Duty Chapter 1
#1 of Duty
Chapter 1
By: David C. Henry "Ahndeleck"
Cellista walked into the small semi-circular plaza that acted as her class room for the past fifteen years. She took her place near the entrance to the plaza. Why do us dragons have so much tutoring compared to the other races, she wondered. It's not fair that the Humans or the Eltine have half that time, what's so special about them? Cellista looked around the semi-circle at the other students, all of which were restless. She smiled to herself, it didn't matter any longer how much time they'd spent in tutoring, today was their last day.
Kathagra walked into the circle, their large blue scaled dragoness tutor. She reached her usual spot at the enter and turned to them with a smile. While she always said she loved teaching, Cellista knew today was her favorite day.
"My students," Kathagra said, "I can't tell you how proud of you all I am. Fifteen years is a long time to work together. A lot of you have changed a great deal in this time. You all came to me as little hatchlings, and I've watched you all grow to become amazing dragons and dragonesses.
"Each one of you have learned so much, and you should be proud of what you know. The other, younger races will look to us, and to you, for knowledge. Each one of you represent experience and wisdom that has traveled through the ages to rest with each of you. Take pride in that fact.
"There is more though, as you all know. Each of you will go on to your different masters and take apprenticeship under them. That marks the beginning of your lives, beginning of very exciting times for each of you. I can't wait to see what each of you will do for the covenant.
"There is one last test before you all, and I know we've talked about it before, even exauhsted the topic I know. Still, this is the most important, and most dangerous test you've faced yet. I used to just talk about it back when I was younger, but I've found it better if we all talk about the Attunement together. So, do any of you have questions about it? Any thoughts and feelings you would like to share with us all?"
Cellista waited and watched the other students for a time. She felt confident that she would pass through the Attunement with ease. She felt unsure which god or goddess she would want to be taken by, but she wouldn't get to make that choice. Since it wasn't up to her, she didn't feel it mattered a great deal.
She listened through the other students' questions and thoughts for a time. Finally the questions subsided and died away. Kathagra swept her gaze over them slowly. The wind rustled the leaves in the trees around them as Cellista waited. In the distance she could hear the covenant's market place babbling, mingling with the chirps and cries of the birds. Everything reminding her she had a blissful two weeks of time waiting for her before the Attunement. Her tail twitched in anticipation, and she hoped no one else had anything to ask. The sooner we can leave, she thought, the sooner we can finally have some fun.
"Well," Kathagra spread her wings, "you are all dismissed. Don't be shadows, come and visit me any time."
The dragons began to scatter. Two took to the air, and a few ran for the path leading back to the market square. Cellista knew better than to join the melee of student, no adults that went in every direction, all free at last. Her best friend, Arsela waited at the other side of the semi-circle for her. They had planned to invade the market square while they were at the covenant's center for the day.
"Cellista," Kathagra called over the cries of joy filling the air, "Can you wait? I need to talk to you."
Her heart sank a little. What could Kathagra want with her now she wondered. She had already been taken as an apprentice as a sculptor, so it wouldn't be for apprenticeship. She nearly never got into trouble, and she took care to keep out of her eye the last several weeks. Cellista glanced at Arsela, and Arsela looked just as puzzled back at her. Once the other dragons had left, Arsela came up to her.
"Meet up with us in the Market. We'll wait for you for a bit, then we'll guess she's finally caught you for something."
"Thanks, I appreciate the confidence." Cellista rolled her eyes as Arsela left.
"Cellista," Kathagra beamed as she sat nearby, "I can't tell you how very excited I am for you. It's been nearly too much for me to contain this whole class."
"What is it? Was I chosen to be the first at the Attunement?"
"No, something much better." Kathagra stood. Cellista could tell something excited Kathagra, she lashed her tail and nearly pranced in place. "Can you wait here for just a moment? I'll go get him and we can all talk about it together. Oh this will be so exciting! From my students, I'd have never believed it!"
Before Cellista could reply to her, Kathagra launched herself into the air. What would be so urgent, she wondered. Kathagra's never been so excited before. What does this have to do with me? Maybe one of those sculptures I did really impressed someone. Maybe they'll tell me I won't have to apprentice under anyone at all because I'm already so good? Oh that would be just perfect.
Several minutes crawled by. Cellista watched a passing cloud, which she thought looked like an ant. She thought she heard the flapping of someone coming, but it turned out to be just some other dragon passing by. The next pair of wings she heard though was coming for her. Cellista could see her tutor chatting excitably to another much calmer dragon.
The dark pine green scales, and long blood red horns could only be one dragon, Azerzan. Kathagra's heart beat against her chest as she turned to face the figurehead of the covenant. What would bring him here to talk with me? It's amazing he found time away from the law rites at this time of day to do anything, much less talk with me.
They both landed at the opening to the semi-circle. Azerzan folded his wings slowly, and sighed as he did so. He was very old and didn't fly a great deal anymore. Cellista could tell he was out of breath as he walked closer to her. As far as dragons were concerned, Azerzan stood larger than nearly everyone.
"Azerzan," Kathagra rambled on, "this is Cellista. She's just about the brightest student I've ever had the honor of teaching. Most definitely the most dedicated. I've not had a student as driven to learn as Cellista here. It has been a real honor to be her tutor. I'm so happy that you've-"
"Kathagra?" Azerzan's voice rumbled slowly, but in the most pleasant manner that Cellista had ever heard. She could listen to him speak for days, she always could. She loved his voice. It might be old, but it sounded like the kindest elder in the world.
"Yes Azerzan?"
"Could you leave Cellista and I to talk for a while please? I'd be happy to hear your stories. Sadly though, They are expecting me back at the ziggurat soon after I finish with Cellista here."
"Oh, of course Azerzan. You two have a nice chat. Cellista, I'm so proud of you, so very proud. And thank you Azerzan."
"Yes Kathagra, you're welcome."
"And you have a good Attunement Cellista, I'll see you at the temple. Unless you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
"Thank you Kathagra," Cellista nodded, "I will."
Kathagra's smile could bridge the whole sky as she turned to go finally. Cellista couldn't think of a time when she looked happier. She flew away from the covenant and out toward the hills where most of the other dragon's lived. Cellista turned her attention to Azerzan then and shrugged apologetically.
"I'm sorry sir, I've not ever seen her faun so much before."
"Given the circumstance, I'm not surprised actually. I've always thought she got excited easily."
"She does." Cellista nodded.
"You though don't usually. At my age, that's a good thing. I'm hoping that this will continue to be a good thing for me as well. I'm here on behalf of the covenant Cellista to ask you to decline your current apprenticeship and come apprentice under me."