A Soft, Soft Night

Talking about advent, the jaguar. "and i know ... you know, it's just ... i'm here for you. i've always been. i mean, you know ... what i mean," she said, trailing. "we're mates." he looked up. smiling shyly. "i'm grateful. for that. for you.

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 12

With the advent of wired communication like telegrams and telephones, it was easy to contact each other, but it caused a problem.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 17: The Interview - The Mage's Association

Not to mention the many groups of elite fighters that the association trains and maintains, all to be ready in the advent of a great threat." zillah said, and vicky looked at her. "it really sounds like you are ready for a war."

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Gothic Cathedrals

Lighting the advent candles. wooden pews, and hymnals. they'd all been simple, modest buildings. very humble in design. homespun, almost, made for an intimate, glowing kind of worship. but those cathedrals. look at those! how immense!

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:1

The grand and feared nomadic warriors that were seen as the scourge of roarupe, and more often than not the mammals of scottram and irelamb"_ _"time is often a fuzzy thing when it comes to the advent of civilizations.

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The Cube

As a result, the rest of the day -- in fact, most of his remaining two weeks -- was spent on times before the advent of even the most primitive silicon devices. but josiah found this hard.

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He also knew the exact procedure to do to deal with the advent if you ever hear the sound like that: you turn tail and fly in the opposite direction as fast as your bug wings can possibly carry you.

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The Changing Face of Evil

Teeth that had, a thousand years ago, even a few hundred years ago (until the advent 'prey laws'), aided his species in making meals of sentient prey. raw, bloody meals. what lingering sharpness. what division.


Kingdom Digimon-Chapter 2: An Old Friend and A New Day

(a/n: this is his advent children outfit for any who want a clearer picture.) "well howdy, sora. didn't expect ta see ya here." he said. "hey, cid. aw come on. i thought we got you to quit smoking."

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 11: I Can't See, I Can't Breathe

Such a name before bore a simple ominous catch of wind; however, the advent of a much darker entity gave the woods a more dreadful feel. particularly, for the dragon, whose very situation was a current result of that blackened brush.

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A BRCF Volunteer's Log

They were building automatizations since the advent of gps tracking to reduce the manual labor, to help them to focus on the interesting or problematic cases.

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 7 - Inversions

It wasn't uncommon for the galactic nobility to engage in a little casual genetic engineering, especially since the advent of safe and reliable intron application technology, over the years it happened with relaive frequency.

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