Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 13
Spreading his claws open apologetically, his boss dropped the smile and tried to speak in between the aardvark's ranting. he took a breath until he'd finished. "it's true," he admitted. anar swore, bunching up his fists.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army Story - Chapter 4
His hair was meant to be grey, true, well he was an aardvark after all, but this was proper grey. aged grey. no wonder rap had looked at him funny. there were a few lines on his brow, around the corners of his mouth too. he'd been robbed!
Executive decisions Chapter 16
Spinning eyes floated into the aardvark demon's view and tentacles wiggled, "there you are!" azratheth burbled, his chaotic form skittering to get closer. peregrin fidgeted. the dragon who had interrupted his fall had promised to change reality.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 12
It sat in-between the aardvark officer's legs, bringing the shrill dog toy to yield and anar looked up to the orcs who were now all awwww-ing and ahhh-ing. vandergraaz folded his arms, a pleased expression on his face.
Executive decisions Chapter 13
The young aardvark flushed, "you have been saved! i knew giving you that contract was a wise move on my part. didn't i say, father, that one day salvation would be yours? the glory of heaven awaits!
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 37: Inevitability Of Truth (We Go Down Together Part III)
The little aardvark replied. "you mean that klis scientist that has abducted you and ember?" (repeatedly.) "no. she has always been discrete in the way she operates.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 7
Up we pop, come on..." he lifted the aardvark's arm, and helped him up out of the chair. "is he alright? not that i care, like," rave muttered. rap nodded, "nothing some sugary pop can't fix.
Book of Warlock 4. Here be dragons.
aardvark's don't go a healthy shade when they tan like other races, they just get grey-er. it wasn't a desired look. but that wouldn't happen, she had her full robes on, she was going to be fine.
The Book of Warlock 18. In love and war.
She'd been so busy having fun with her hunky new pal, she'd completely forgotten to look out for the hapless aardvark. luci needed her in a fight; her sword skills were rubbish and she was afraid of everything.
The Book of Warlock 17. The rat who would be King.
Nisgarant sat and waited, trembling, for the deceased aardvark officer to arrive. his heart pounded. fear had entered his soul, shaking him to the very core. worrel exhaled.
The Book of Warlock 3. In the presence of magic.
With four legs seemingly headed in opposite directions, he awkwardly lumbered over and made a decent attempt at knocking the aardvark from his perch, pushing his muzzle all over the officer's grey head and hair.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 10
A security guard walked towards them from the arcade, their face stern at first until they recognised the aardvark and smiled, "you're up late! your nice friend was looking for you, seemed rather worried.