#6 of the search for ka'le
a clean story that i wrote for fursquared when i first did the dealer's den!
Epic, Fanasy, Story, Story Series
I need to find out if we're going to be followed, or if anyone's tracking us right now," karus said, hatching his plan to break from the group in order to meet the dealer, who would be at the prearranged meeting point in about twenty minutes.
Action, Adventure, Novel, Sci-Fi, Space
He'd been picked up in a skooma den and sentenced to slavery for breaking the law just two weeks ago, but the dealer was making it sound as if he had experience as a slave. was his new skillset in farmwork or heavy labour, he wondered?
Action, Elder Scrolls, Khajiit, Male/Female, Morrowind, Orc, Romance, Story, Story Series
Twilight was the dealer for the game when she plays with twinkle. redbook seem to be letting himself lose a lot to twinkle as he was too busy helping her with winning as the game went on for a few rounds.
MLP, Twilight Princess