Jeremy 078; Selection
To me it was actually a close call, but as jackson said the deciding factor was really down to our need for instant respectability. the parkway location will be perfect." "thanks, but i hadn't considered that." jeremy admitted. "that's fine.
How To Do A Race In Egypt
"yesterday was a close call. i swear if this car runs out of gas, i'm gonna explode." "i know. let's just hope that we can be able to catch up today. best case scenario is if we win today's leg." "i'm with you on that.
Greetings From Paris!
"we had a major close call yesterday." milon says. "i know," zax says, "17th place? c'mon! we can do better than that!" "i know! plus if we get 17th again, we're gonna be eliminated." "relax! that's not gonna happen ok?"
Spaced Out
After enough close calls with irresponsible drivers where her roommate's preternatural driving skills had been all that had stood between them and certain death, fran had been inclined to believe her. "we don't need cars, as a whole."
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 24
Somehow he managed to turn it into a crying fit, but it was a close call. he could still feel it bubbling up on the inside, threatening to ruin everything. his stomach muscles were getting sore under the strain of keeping it all in.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 24
Somehow he managed to turn it into a crying fit, but it was a close call. he could still feel it bubbling up on the inside, threatening to ruin everything. his stomach muscles were getting sore under the strain of keeping it all in.
The Synth King
It took him thirty minutes; but after a few close calls of him stepping on particularly crunchy sticks and kicking over a basketball, travis made it home.
Journey to another world pt2 ch56
I love all my girls equally." ‘few, another close call avoided.' "i still do not understand. kit is going through the same thing i am. why not her too?" rena asked. ‘dodge the bullet, but got hit by a grenade.'
The Legend of Felicia: Sheltered Emotion Chapter Three
.** chapter three: a very close call (_felicia_) the deeper into forest i traveled the lighter it seemed to get. i could have sworn i left at night. though the sun wasn't up, (not that i could see anyway) i could tell it was getting lighter.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 78
Maybe it was just the wind jostling them about, or maybe she thought he was about to fall (cora knows they had had a few close calls on the way over here), but he didn't think so. dorin's eyes moved further along the wall, passing over so many foxes.
The Cat's Stroll 18
When he noticed that it again seemed to go for his left side, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he had a less of a close call when those jaws tried to bite down on his paw. "is it going for my ring?" this conjecture appeared in kyu cao's mind.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty One
It took several minutes, and several more close calls, but tick finally managed to get to the edge of the fighting. without looking back, he ran into the forest where it would be safer.