Tale of the Dragon King: The Dragon Prince

I pushed percy out of the way and braced for impact, the tackle sending us rolling around the floor.

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Chapter 3 Fay and Leo First Kiss <3

"fay you have to get ready hit it when it comes to a certain point dam she not going to hit it" abby starts running towards fay who is still confused "oh no i'm not going make it this could send her hospital" fay curls into a ball bracing for impact.

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

All crew brace for impact!" insisted jarzyl. "hehehe..." she giggled softly, and galon felt her tiny claws prick his shoulder as she held on tight.

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It's So Weird in My 18th Year!

His arms barely braced for impact, and colby slammed into the ground with a muted thud. the sand, though coarse, made a decent cushion. he'd grown so used to the grains on his skin. it was almost comforting to lie in. it made him hesitate.

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To boldly go

brace for impact." the flatness of the ai's voice made the warning seem even more dire. the _valiant_ shuddered heavily with the force of the explosions. "port shields at eighty percent." "they're firing again. captain, i recommend evasive maneuvers."

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Just as tidal wave was about to go down which lennox soon told everyone to brace for impact.

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The Battle for Azure Finale: Unveiled

"brace for impact!" she called. the entire ship tilted as the swampert collided with the hull. pokémon all across the deck were thrown off their feet; even asya and sakkaku barely held their balance.

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Or-- "brace for impact," sabel cautioned. no sooner had they done so than the vostok slammed hard into the landing bay. sabel fired the dorsal thrusters, shoving them into the deck to let friction do the work of slowing them. metal screamed on metal.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 28

The massive dragon was too close for any solid reaction, all he could do was to flex his muscles and brace for impact.

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

Harry braced for impact, but the ship only shook slightly. he was surprised, but recovered quickly. "tactical, pulse phasers to full power and target the support pylons on the main ship. mr. land, bring us about and give weapons a clean shot."

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.5 - Extermination

With a warrior's scream hakura braced for impact, and crushed mr. x against a huge ornamental rock.

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West Islands Chapter 8: Tragedy

Eagle eye was quick to follow suite, charging in alongside his father and bracing for impact. razorwing took point, using autotomize to increase his speed and preparing a steel wing.

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