The Weight: Chapter 9

The town was much more lively in the light of day, as humphrey could see from the crest of the hill.

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The Weight: Chater 6

Nobody cared about humphrey, not a single \*\*\*\* person. nobody cared about her; nobody supported her, and they called her crazy when she told them the truth.

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The End: Chapter 6: Fairytale

"humphrey, i just wanted to tell you that these past couple of days, they've been kind of... fun!" i said as i felt a strange mixture of joy and regret overwhelm me, "and you've been kind of fun!" humphrey's p.o.v.

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The Weight: Chapter 12

humphrey read his response and nodded then moved his paw to write again.

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Second Chances: Chapter two

humphrey said in disbelief, "i can't believe how fast they were...those two moved before i could even get a bead on ' aint right. it aint right..." "humphrey snap out of it! we're gonna get out of this! they bleed just like we do."

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Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 3

humphrey, who was listening to the whole thing, could relate. "tony, can i talk to you for a second," demanded winston.

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Kiss of Destiny: Prologue

She'd made her displeasure well known on a few occasions, even going so far as to catch humphrey, the gray-furred one, across the face with a wild swipe.

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In the Negative: Chapter 8

"incredible," kate assured with a smile, "humphrey was very gentle with me our first time. if garth loves you, he will be too." "does... does it hurt?" lilly asked apprehensively.

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Savage City: Day Two: Incoming.

"tell me something, humphrey." he began with a soft tone. "what have i ever done to make you hate me?" humphrey was momentarily stunned before he answered. "you're a predator, your kind are always plotting to eat us. so don't deny it."

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Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 5

It hurt her real bad lie to humphrey on a near daily basis, and have to fabricate a new lie each time. _i can't do this! not anymore!

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