One Wish
._ tryst mentally prayed, as he would do every day wishing for an opportunity to look through his missing friend's case.
Wish Granter
I wish for infinity wishes with no conditions." "and i wish i hadn't heard that one a million times." kickaha responded. "wait you've granted a million wishes?" conner asked. "not really." kickaha shrugged.
The Wishing Witch
If you did everything correctly, she will be pleased and offer you one wish. repeat these words exactly as i tell you to. "i wish to be free of your presence." she will grant you your wish and stop following you once you complete the recipe.
Wishing Well
Silver lights shimmer in the wishing well, striving to become myself without you.
"if you wish, sir... i shall write to the command officers and our suppliers. we shall need to move quickly if we are to avoid the worst of the winter storms." "thank you, cuthbert," i said with real gratitude in my voice.
One Last Goodbye
My last thought before i allowed darkness to overtake me was of zach's dying wish.
a poem for sass
one fine but dark evening i saw her across the way she was sitting with another man but she glanced my way such a sight breath taking and indescribable he had his arm around her waist and her hand on his leg they where happy and they where in love for...
Lonely Oak Chapter 33 - Meet Eeyore Shower
_oh please, let it be waxing._ "i wish..." "no," he hushed, "don't say it out loud. it has to be a secret-secret." she looked up at him with dilated eyes. she nodded, closed them, and made her wish.
Chuck Gets Bigger
Gnoll catches food, food offers gnoll a wish, wish is granted exactly as expected. ish. from feb-april 2018, a little gift story for buckdasystem. tagged for getting bigger, and receiving a technically accurate wish. can't trust those magical critters.
What I Wish for
._ _if i am to drown_ _may my touch feel you lips for the last time_ _if i am to live other day_ _may my heart, soul, and touch be with you even after the end of time_ _poem::what i wish for_ _from the book:: heart of pure darkness and light_ _made
Absol's Wish: Epilogue
_"It has been ten years since that day... The day I began my new life... I can still remember it, as if it were just last week. Becoming a pup again... I only have Jirachi to thank for that"._ The Absol stood up. Her old bones crack with the task;...
One Wish (gift)
Late one night, when the moon sat high in the sky and the stars came out to play, there lived a young man. In truth he lived at all the other times of day as well, and he did many things during these hours. But right now, when everyone else was asleep...