Wreck It Ralph: Bad Ending 2

But for now he would enjoy the holitosis warthog that turned out to be the greatest meal ever. he was amused that ralph's body didn't delete or fade into pixels and instead stayed there. what a good plus.

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Kovu and Mipa: Trapper

Kovu observed how she made it so that the rope was strung tightly just a little above ankle level across the trail; about knee level for a warthog. she breathed a sigh of relief when it was done, sitting back on her haunches.

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Continued Exchange, Part 1

A warthog appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "i'm pumbaa and this is timon. sorry about him, he's just worried about simba. we both are. we just want to know what happened to him, that's all." bambi felt slightly overwhelmed but tried to be polite.

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The warthog yelled as he yanked his hand away from the blade. he turned to see who had blocked him and paled as he saw the large red dragon starring down at him.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Two

"do warthogs fart over a thousand times per day?" "i...have no idea." "me neither. but yes, i'll leave you alone." "fine! i have ten dollars in my room." grumbling to himself, he set his sketchbook down and went upstairs.

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Besides, you made an old warthog mad last time you did that, remember?" zuri turned away and began to trot east, where a couple hundred yards away ran the mara river. "hey, wait up!" said mwenzi as she ran after her friend.

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Master Viper's secret prison

"before that was that warthog," tigress purred. "it took you the whole morning to swallow him once you stunned him with your tail." "that was a good meal," viper mused. "remember what a big bulge he made?

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Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 5-Echo Headquarters

I could also see a hanger that housed six warthogs,two apache aa-87s as well two predator drones that were packing helfire missiles. beside the hanger was the motor pool. inside i could see six m79-r4 mbts,three hummers,five mrads and a apc.

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Imprefect thoughts and in imerfect mind

Wally was also strong, wally could pick up a 1988 harley 'warthog' under one arm and throw it onto the bed of a truck. my dad apparently had met wally at one of the many military camps he spent time on. he and my did often spent time camping.

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Chapter Eight The First 10,000

Meanwhile, up above the squad of a-10 warthogs were circling the battle below, waiting to swoop in and help.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 8: Visitation

Nick was scouted by a warthog, who kept giving him unfriendly glances, but nick did his best to ignore him. soon, nick was in front of the responsible for the visiting, who was a pig who was far friendlier than the warthog.

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