Paper, Plastic, or Tire Iron. (Otherwise Untitled)

Nbsp; as she let the snacks and drinks cascade onto the counter, the brown bear made sure to square up her shoulders while she pretended to not notice the cashier's grip on the tire iron while providing commentary to the coyote's glances out to her travel

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Philippine Treasure

#12 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to fiji where they had to give each other massages in possibly the creepiest challenge ever done in the race.

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Watch Out Australia, Here Comes The Racers

#9 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to madagascar. they had to golf a 400-yard hole then had to chow down a whole pound of rice. due to his bigger stomach, griffin won for him and zander.

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Is That Who I Think It Is?

I think we time traveled!" i say a little too loud. "how?!" "the nuclear waste. it didn't give you transportation abilities." "oh." he pins his ear down.

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California (Todd)

California is exactly what you'd expect: sunny and hot. Thankfully the truck is air conditioned. There's only four more hours left on this trip. It's about time. I'm not sure if I could take any more of this "Life on the road" shit. I couldn't fall...

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Handicapping (Pundamentals 1)

Handicapping She was nervous as a... well, she was nervous, anyway. Her long full tail twitched almost as much as her long whiskers, as she waited for the line to move forward. As a rule, she was patient - most cats, especially those who still hunted...

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Top Secret

#2 of tales of a time traveler time traveling horse, away!!! well, that's actually at the end. damnit. spoilers. all well, he has to get out of his current predicament, but can he? we shall see.

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The Life of a Brood Mother Ch. 2

This emanation was from a creature that the overmind did not know existed, and one that traveled through the vacuum of space.

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Book I: The Humble Beginning

The problem is, people proved time travel impossible long before i met you," pike said. "well, you want to come see it?" sabre asked. "yes, very much so," pike said, standing up. "let's get moving."

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New Dawn: The Way East

The day had finally come, the day when my dad and i would be traveling over the country and over the pacific ocean to reach japan.

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Guardian of Time: Chapter II

It is your ability to time travel, to use the elements, and to fight. so, we will begin with the easy part: fighting.

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Sea Poem

Here I am far out to sea Missing you as you miss me A day doesn't go by Without thoughts of you on wings fly Shed not a tear for me There is too much salt already in the sea Though this ocean be vast and blue I'll soon be coming home to...

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