Spring Gardening: A Pokemon Fanfic

He was sweaty and shirtless. ash wore an old straw hat to keep cool, but it wasn't working. pikachu sat beside him holding a little fan. "it's hot," ash said wiping his forehead with his hand. he stood up, wiping his hands on his black jeans.

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Hoe Sweet Farm 2 Chapter 3 "What Is Sex"

Luckily when they woke up kevin had his briefs on and katie had her panties on, but she was still topless but after last night she really didn't care if he saw her like that again.


Episode 17: Get Well Soon

He was currently laying in bed, shirtless, with a patch on his chest. the red panda giggled at his mate's excited face, it was like receiving a gift on christmas, he walked over and set a chair beside him, sitting, "hi, nick...!"

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StarFox:Wolf's New Hope Chapter 2

I said as i put my palm on head.i felt bandage on my head the i looked down i was freaking shirtless with bandages wrapped around my stomach."w-what the ?!" easy easy..."

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Chapter Sixteen (Todd)

"yeah, and besides, it's not against the rules to walk around shirtless. it's only against the rules to show off your genitalia or ass." tom says. "ok, so if tom asked you to walk into a bar without a shirt on, you would do it?"

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The Anthro Girl: Chapter 2

This resulted in the most enthralling chase of my life; i was frightened, excited, and shirtless all at the same time! just when i thought i would get away without consequence, i turned a corner and collided with the principal.

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Lingering Melancholy

It depresses him; but he's a generally a depressing sight nowadays- slouched on the patio with a cigarette draped on his lip, baggy eyed, shirtless, distantly staring with a bit of unkempt stubble trailing down his neck and smoke insulating in his hair.


Onward to better times: Chapter 1: Aristotle wouldn't visit the lake a second time.

Standing up the collie noticed he was topless, his shirt nowhere to be found. turning around nervously, he heard a familiar voice from the distance.

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Summer Vacation Begins: A Talespin Fanfic

One of the shirtless boys yelled to kit. "we need another player," kit took off his shirt and left it on the grass. he joined the other bare chested boys and played until sunset.

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The Big Catch

Shake violently and the bell rung like crazy, dropping my sandwhich a raced through the sand, took off the bell and planted the rod on my waist as the reel began to scream as the line peeled off, the girls began cheering me on forgetting the were completely topless

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Talespin: Prince Of Bear-ya Part 2

Lotus blossoms floated on the green water.two young attendants stood topless in the water "come on young prince," bernice said taking off her bikini top and loincloth.

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Kit's New Look: A Talespin Fanfic

The other boys on the trail were shirtless and some were swimming and diving in the cool river. rebecca looked at her new son.

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