A New Goal

As the hair became taut, the wood did as well and he sat down. with a good amount of give, there was still about two centimeters of space between the closest bits of hair to wood.

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Office Hottie

My eyes flickered south to where one pudgy hand was trying to reach into the pocket of his pants which were pulled taut across his thick thighs; i noticed he needed to nudge his gut aside slightly to squeeze his fingers into the opening.

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Quite a Mouthful

Its two cheeks were also bulged out to each side, the skin stretched taut against the water held inside it's mouth.

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Vore Day '22 Quickie - Pencer

Feeling someone else's flesh stretched ridiculously taut over his form always thrilled him, and he did his best to help the weasel consuming him by wiggling and worming his huge body down that tight passage as best he could in accordance with each swallow

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Artist's Block (A short Hyena TF)

With some difficulty, he made his way off of the carpet and over to the couch, taking a moment to move his tail out from under his rump as his shoelaces pulled themselves taut.

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London Calling - Prologue : Live on BBC

Beasts"_ the first male voice spoke, reading the crude slogan, before a moment later the pair of would-be film makers gasped, as several figures were pushed over the railing of the bridge, falling a short distance before the ropes around their necks snapped taut

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The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun

Twilight kept her grip on the helm taut, letting it no move an inch to starboard or port.

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Swirling Bonds

Russ took no such action, instead just savoring his stomach as his paws pressed and rubbed along the taut fur which spilled out full feet in front of him.

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The Far Side of Immortal

The wolf's fur had gone ragged, and his skin clung to his body like a taut canvas over his aching bones. food was scarce in these times, after all. how long had it been since he ventured outside during the day now? for a while he kept track.

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Dancing with Yourself

The couch creaked as the toller's plump body filled with slime that made his belly taut under the malleable fat. he groaned in bliss, finding it hard to keep his eyes open as he mindlessly swallowed gallons of yummy slime.

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Conjuring Comfort

It felt taut and round and grumbled quite loudly beneath her paw. josh blushed and awkwardly moved his left arm around, until he settled it around her back. "mm...comfy!" bon snuggled in and closed her eyes.

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Working Hard

Green cargo pants covered her lower half, these too littered with work-associated smears of black and brown; they would have been loose on most pairs of legs, but the powerlifter's thighs they were tasked with encasing had the fabric stretched unusually taut

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