Chapter 8: Discomfort

"do you wanna wipe the displays or sweep?" considering, jack looked at the displays. they weren't too high, he could easily reach them. "displays," he answered.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 34-Joint Ops

"split off,i ordered,"i want these houses sweeped and cleaned of any threat."

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Rub ya belly?

Forest rumbled contently, his silver eyes sweeping the street a moment, before his hand lifted, grasping behind the moogle's back, and pulling the young belt-loose against his swollen belly. the rumbling town lowered to an almost whisper.

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The Battle for Azure Part 4: Clash

Roundhouse, sweep, high kick, drop low, sweep, swipe, headhunter, pull back, stand, kick high, kick low, roundhouse, sweep, high kick, drop low, sweep, swipe, headhunter, pull back, stand.

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Angel Dust

One of my first poems that i've ever written when i was like thirteen or so, i think sweet honey nectar of pain pouring slow and tantilizing through my sluggish veins whispering sugar secrets under my skin tempting sweeping me from reality playfully

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Poem: Dakota

My little spark of madness, tornado sweeping wings, she takes aloft and smiles down and then begins to sing. her voice may not be perfect-pitch her voice may not be true her voice that sings her songs and mine will one day shatter you.


Sales in the Park (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the wolf's gaze was a sweep across the park, until he spotted his quarry. he slid up onto his feet to stride across the gravel path, ducking under a particularly low hanging branch.

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Canines' Autumn Ch. 6: Visitation

Dust and sweep whole apartment, scrub bathroom while doing so. ten was left alone in the living room to take charge of the dusting and sweeping.

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Daisy and Boss: 4 - Casa de Fields

Kale fields was almost entirely black, with faded brown highlights at his throatlatch and the tips of his ears and long sweeping horns that spiraled outward to either side.

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Red Shadow

I spring into action, tossing down a smoke pellet and throwing a couple of throwing stars at him as i sweep around him, my movements obscured by the smoke. i move to tackle him from behind, but he's not there anymore.

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Eye for an eye - part 1

Kish came down with flames, a huge burst of fire coming from his muzzle as his brother brought a low sweep with his claws toward ger's feet.

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Farm Maid

She sweeped up the dung and hay and replaced the old hay with new hay. she cleaned the horse stall. it was dirtier but didn't smell as bad. she sweeped up the dung and hay and noticed that the horse dung didn't stick as much as the sheep dung.

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