Far From Home: Prologue

That which is deemed "supernatural", is often mistaken for evil. it is this belief that lead hunters to a small cottage somewhere in the mountains. this was home to narysia and her parents.

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Navigating in a Changed World - Prolog: News of a Changing World

The supernatural, the soul, heaven and hell, god. all of this could be just as true as what the mages have proven that they can do.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Sixth Tale

She had a supernatural castle to explore. hopefully the staff would come find her wherever she went. but in the meantime... she was a cat. and cats went wherever they pleased. she might as well embrace that fact now.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 3

The unnerving feeling was gone the moment her gaze landed on the supernatural dragon, a silent gasp escaped her throat.

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3: The Five - Basic Overview

Rather than rely on confrontation, they instead seem to possess a supernatural charisma about them which is viewed as having been essential for originally bringing the five together.

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Rutherford Nikolaas (AU)

As anyone would be after finding out that supernatural beings do exist. her shock wears off quickly afterwards. before she immediately started to barrage the nogitsune with questions. a few months after the event.

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Bonds of Love (13)

Brian didn't look at me he was about to say something, but axel cut him off "kino you can tell other people that are dash were part of the supernatural world.

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The Moon Over Fairfield Connectituct

The Moon over Fairfield Connecticut The story I'm about to tell you is completely true, It takes place back in the late 1700's in a small town known as Fairfield Connecticut. Now before I start I know what you're thinking. Pf-ft the 1700's even if...

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A Fiery Desire

Legend tells that he had this sense of supernatural magic, which probably grow on the fact that during his time, he was one of the best strategists in the world, almost to one of my stature, a fierce warrior and loyal to his people to the end...something so

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Psychology was not a discipline not easily given to supernatural explanations- everything in the world had some mundane reason for being that way and this "magical thinking" that some supernatural force was protecting us or harming us was simply the traces

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Vampire Days

Overall he had mixed feelings about it; having powers like supernatural speed and vision was nice, but looking sixteen forever seemed like it would eventually become a bit of a drag.


Z-Court Chapter 1 "Welcome to Springtime Hills"

Tons of supernatural stuff happens in abandoned places." i set down my stuff near the door. "i guessed that you liked that kind of stuff by looking at your t-shirt," i said. "oh!" he said excitedly, "you know about supernaturalcon?"

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