Episode 9: Paradigm Shift

Why the hell is starfleet suddenly barging in here and tampering with it," fara snarled, slamming her fists onto the table. stiles sighed.

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File #14

If anything, this experience had taught both of them why they deserved to be in starfleet. why they deserved to be on the warrior.

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File #9

On the top of the pile was an outdated starfleet jumpsuit. muraco recognised it immediately from those federation history documentaries that captain greyfell was always trying to get him to watch.

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File #10

Captain weiss had ignored the calls of starfleet to return, much in the same way that captain greyfell had ignored the calls of starbase 248 and chased a romulan vessel into their space almost two hundred years later.

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File #7

Doctor tao had not performed a manual operation in a triage situation for years, not since he had been a starfleet medical student. he needed time and silence as he had loudly protested before starting the operation.

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File #6

Strato, although fairly inexperienced, knew enough about starfleet protocol to follow his orders, immediately running an electrical current of negative frequency through the warrior's ablative armor in order to somewhat distablise the magnetic field that held

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Switch City: The Scientifc Process

"per imperial starfleet protocol you should have accompanied the team on their away mission." "look, it's just an ocean planet. they don't really need me." lockely waved a paw dismissively.

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File #8

starfleet had considered phasing out the sovereign class project after the disappearance of the enterprise-e and the desire for newer ships that integrated quantum slipstream.

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Episode 11A: Into Darkness

Let the starfleet archivists deal with that, when and if they got the chance. he'd gone over the other envelopes contents.

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Episode 7: Picture

The other was a career in starfleet. he remembered the older echidna pulling out the small statuette and setting it on an upturned trash can in front of him. "you are being offered two futures.

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Episode 1B: Shakedown

We should be able to continue the cruise if we don't have any other bumps in the road along the way," rivas reported with a shrug, "starfleet saw that it wasn't too far out of our way, so we got the job."

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Episode 10: Salvage

The worst part was that there had been assurances from starfleet command that the vessel would be functional in one week.

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