It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.2

This is the final duel for the last spot in the world tournament!!"

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It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.1

Duel 2: world tournament, last spot, coming soon

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 23 the second round

"there, there, you see" he said excited almost slamming his finger on the spot. the spot he was pointing at was lush green dot that interrupted a blue line that resembled a river.

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Four Days Remain Until The End

The spot had grown to well over the size of perhaps a third of the sky.

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Chosen of the Sea [2nd Person TF(TG)]

This spot was claimed in the name of you and only nature will get you to move from this spot. unfortunately nature does seem to have its intent on ruining your day.

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Venturing: Upmorning

We walked to the hallway's end before bursting out of our hiding spot. there we spotted again the being, but he had disappeared into the darkness.

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Venturing: Five Inlock

In surprise, i spotted everyone revealing themselves from their respective doors. walking down the short flight of steps and hitting the soft grass underneath their feet.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 7

The screen has changed to a map of the island, a spot lit up on it, different for everyone, as well as a marker for their own person. ignis: please head to the spot marked on your d-pads. you will have 30 minutes to reach your spot.


Disintegration: Chapter 6

She spotted fires already spreading around what appeared to be a heavily damaged airfield, and clumps of human infantry alongside stray vehicles were defending it. ishtar bared her fangs upon spotting them.

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Venturing: Rovotic

I gaze upon the newfounding surroundings; already spotting the place being pitch dark and impossible to see without a flashlight involved.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 17 childhood memories

She spotted gaius disappearing behind the couch and she quickly turned back to searching a spot to hide before oxidus was done counting. she ran out of the house and disappeared behind one of the bushes.

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