Prisoner's Lament

A mere second later, the sloshing of the dragon lapping down the pail could be heard, followed by a muffled _clang_ as it was tossed before the fox's feet. "give me mooore, dear servant," the beast bellowed, "and _fast!

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Vixi's Shocking Meal

She jiggled it and laughed as she felt it slosh around. "hehe! sloshy sloshy belly!" she said as she jiggled it some more. she then looked around. "i wonder who else's unlucky day it is today?" she then walked around to go find another meal.

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You're My Guiding Star

Half my fluids are floating in zero g and the other half sloshing uncomfortably in my abdomen. this wasn't the way i pictured our reunion. but i suppose seeing him at all will be worth it.

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Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 4

Turning away from the carcass, he sloshed through the bog towards the treeline again. alas, he made it but halfway. his head was spinning. his stomach was a wild ocean. with a splash, the little wolf fell down into the bog.

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To Alaska-Chapter 4.txt

The liquid sloshed around on my tongue a moment, and all the taste hit me at once. the taste of bitter-sweet purple grapes filled my taste buds before i swallowed. it washed down my throat, leaving a rather unpleasant aftertaste.

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Ignorance is no excuse

Some sort of fluffed goo sloshed down his pants and took them along, covering his shoes. his head and chest felt awkwardly light for the moment, while he had an experience similar of warm water draining from him after a shower.

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Orca Dive

The fleshy dome squashes and sloshes in your hands. "but we're still out of food i'm afraid. if i had any more to feed you i would." "do you mean that?" you scratch your head at the odd question. "y- yeah, of course big guy!"

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Industrial Accident

The hybrid began to sag somewhat, sloshing sluggishly as his body grew rounder and rounder all around him. the growth was ceaseless, and it was beginning to become uncomfortable.

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A Day in the Life of a Vulpix (unoffical title, vore story) Part 1

Her stomach sloshed and churned around, acids pouring in to aid the digestion. her belly gurgled loudly, with vulpix purring with bliss.

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The Health Cruise: Chapter One

Serka had to tug on it again, panting and huffing as her breasts sloshed back and forth like large jugs filled with water, except they drooped and pressed heavily against her dark blue shirt.

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Caramel Inflation

_ my eyes rolled back in my head as the caramel sloshed into my belly. with every gulp, i could feel my stomach stretch to accommodate the influx of thick liquid, and the pressure made me moan.

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A Long Walk In The Rain

The slick, nasty water from the broken gutters sloshed around between his toes, and his muzzle twisted up in disgust as the rain picked up the pace.

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