Plant Anatomy

It is one of the best fruits for making alcoholic drinks, it also has several health benefits, the skin is full of collagen and can help regrow skin easily when used in a paste; if the entire fruit is eaten (skin and all) it can help with dehydration issues

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Point proven

His fur rippling as though his skin was peeling off his ivory bones, sending a tear inducing wave of pain.


First Sight...

The vampire took his claws like knives and began to skin the buck. he worked with great dexterity and quickly. it wasn't more then a few minutes that the buck's body was naked of it's skin.

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The Lone and Level Sands

Kimt pawing through the skins as if searching for a good one to buy, tilsit trying not to show impatience to leave town, while watching without looking- sometimes kicking a skin or a pile of fleece idly with one toe, as if looking for a flaw to discuss

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Chapter Two

The druid placed her hands flat against the other doe's skin and tried to send healing energy into the tortured body, but nothing happened.

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The Inside Theory

I held out my hand to see the skin become loose & flabby, as if i had just stepped out of a week long bath. i pushed against the back of my hand were the skin suddenly detached from my fingers like a loose rubber glove.

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Genetic Institute: Chapter 1

From there i need smolder to use air to cage the freed skin because it will try to go back to the hunter, if you can superheat the skin great.


Cetacean Screen

While his the skin on his chest became smooth and ivory white, slimming down his stomach and thinning his waist, something pressed out against the base of his spine.

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Dragons Destiny: chapter 3: the change

As he felt his whole body shift and change, his skin began to rip and tear as his body grew beyond its own means.

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Into The Mouths Of Madness

My hand is black as pitch, the skin cool to the touch and hardened like cured leather. the fingers are longer than those on my other hand. i pinch my palm, hard, but the skin remains unpierced.

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Luminari transformation

But you have it, attached to you, obeying your commands mentally as your skin finishes turning a constant blue.


Black Sepia - chapter 1

Just the faintest brush of skin on skin was agony. aziraphale suspected that trying to kiss would probably discorporate one or both of them.

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