Searching for Mary
Sylvia, the ringtail's snow leopard girlfriend had a curt tone in her voice. joe noted both of them were wearing towels. damn it, joe thought, it's the middle of the damn day. "do you know where she went." "away from you, we're guessing.
Maxwell's Run
Maxwell clung to the reigns his steed as its hooves beat hard the trail in the dim foggy hours of morning. The sun was warming the air, casting the first crimson rays, but its true brilliance was still far away. He alighted on the hill whose path would...
There's something wrong with me
The snow leopard just sat there for a moment, watching her ringtail boyfriend, smiling, tears running down the side of her face. blaise looked over at her, and she reached over and put a paw on his cheek.
Laundry Day
That massive ringtail swished and swayed, hitting me with a stiff breeze as he lumbered on back to those giant machines opposite. "thanks. mighty kind of ya."
Fnding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 4: Assessments
Ren was able to help by telling the crying ringtail that the same had been done to him but i'd used a regeneration crystal and everything was fine.
Of Mice and Menace
The ringtail office manager was right: if it was suicide -- and everything pointed to it being suicide -- it wasn't about the land deals, not even about the laws surrounding land, not even about the law firm.
An Eight Legged Alliance
"hmph, don't push it ringtail." carmelita snarls. "ok ladies, we need to get back to the hideout and focus on out mission already." snowy trying to snap the girls out of it. 'let's go girls!" "ummm yeah, ok." peach skipping towards snowy.
v. Murasaki Talks (6~15~07)
She was a ringtail lemur female named natsumi. absolutely gorgeous female, slim, svelte, plus she was smart as hell, and had a great personality.
Recontextualize 16 - And They're Multiplying
"ritchie ringtail," the raccoon said. "why did you pick me?" "figured that your species received the same judgmental attitudes that a fox would."
The Night CH.1
As i made watched my back, my mind kept wandering off, thinking about madam ringtail. "her fur felt so soft, and her eyes were deep like a chocolate abyss. i could stare into them for an eternity.
Those who Walk In Dream - Beginings, Part 2
Across from her was kenzer the ringtail, leader of the six banded brigade, the towns local gang.
Extra Curricular Activities
While the retriever just kept her ears back, the ringtail said, "well you're not." cynthia shot back, "only because we haven't voted for this year's officers yet." ava sighed through her nose.