[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

At this point, it entailed an espionage stealth squad doing reconnaissance on ponyville. more specifically on twilight sparkle's castle. the unicorn was a bane on the queen's existence, ever since her humiliating defeat in canterlot.

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Sky Defender: Sever (Chapter 2)

There was only one reason that sever would complete reconnaissance over such a small, isolated area. "you have found metal deposits in the forest?" "not enough to be of any importance. the area itself is rather insignificant.

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Wasteland Survivor – Regaining life - ch26

I just hummed and tried to look thoughtful, it didn't work too well, i know, everyone knew i was here because i was part of the only reconnaissance unit we had that required meat as fuel.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter1

Though i normally did work involving investigative journalism and simple reconnaissance, i was actually quite famous for my elegant twisting of words and my skillful negotiating techniques.

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Jahaliya : Young Wives Tale Chapter 2

He took nell and tina with him and he was going to do some reconnaissance. it was a routine mission, something quick to invigorate him.

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D.E 1 Chapter 18: Revelations

We will go to that planet and run some reconnaissance flights. there is a possibility that these creatures in the comet belong to this planet. if that is true and they are still there, then we will withdraw from this solar system and continue our way.

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Koto (chapter 9: It's Just a Flesh Wound)

"reconnaissance. matthias figures there must be some sort of organized counterattack coming together by now." "makes sense that there would be, and david's grass type abilities could be useful for camouflage. i'll look into it, thank you."

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The Adamant Scar's Retribution!

My reconnaissance team was late reporting back, and it was causing me concern. i hear the sound of purge guns firing just a couple of blocks away, and i knew they were coming for me.

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Sakura Gets Sumosized

Slowly, she crept along the wall of the canyon, eyes still peeled for movement, making her way towards the building she had spied nearby during her reconnaissance.

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A Brief Report on Dragons ver. 2

This can be used for reconnaissance or as a distraction. dragons can also make clones of themselves to be in multiple places at once. this process takes a portion of their overall power, and too many clones will lead to exhaustion.

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Herdnan- Chapter Sixteen

All the professionals always do reconnaissance. this one seems like he just randomly picks a place and robs it. i've never heard of such a bold move by such a seasoned thief." "which is why he's getting away with it and why we must stop him.

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D.E1 Chapter 21: The Planet III

We need to assemble a reconnaissance team first." silver objected. "the planet looks safe enough. if we land in an isolated area we will be fine. besides, we know how to take care of ourselves."

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