Light Bane: Chapter 42
"i'd love to talk, but playtime's really over. the real battle starts here." richie, still dazed, noticed several pillars of light appeared in front of the two.
Showdown in our world
The policeman went up to the third floor only to see a big hole in the third-story window, the two kids running across the field that he called for backup as tsume and red seems to not be running for their lives but to be toying with the beast "alright playtime
Brute Belonzyk vs. Ralf Solberg (Yoshi Boxing)
"alright, playtime's over..." he muttered to himself, focusing his sights on the other yoshi. as ralf tried once more to take a swing, brute blocked it with his arm, before countering with a sharp jab across his cheek.
Escape From the Nursery of Doom
At this point, a chime played, indicating playtime was over, it was time for arts and crafts. the five separated and would avoid being together for the rest of the day. though, a couple of them had some extra jobs to do.
Chapter XV: All Things Grow
Ashleigh made short work of cleaning up kaeden and changing him into a fresh diaper, after which he was returned to the dane for more playtime.
Chapter IX: Long Away
"you're a little damp, but i think we can finish our playtime, if you want." kaeden nodded.
Legendary Chaos - Side Story: the Determined Flower
As she was about to return to relaxing their whole group once more moved, telling everyone that playtime and rest time is finished (fuck!) our heroine said as she lazily got to her feet.
Big Brothers to Little Sisters
At this moment tanya had been looking over at sarah and giggled to herself - her playtime was never interrupted by a potty break. maybe an inconvenient diaper change every now and again, but that didn't count in her mind.
A Silent Soul- Chapter 11 (Clean Version)
Our playtime was abruptly interrupted when the lifeguard informed us that we needed to get out as he would be closing up in about 5 minutes. we both "aww'd" but clambered out nonetheless.
Wants and Needs
I'm a rookie, i don't exactly expect a lot of playtime, especially if mr. redfield chooses to accept the voyageurs' offer. i'm untested.
Song of the Space Finch part 2 of 4
"this is important, not playtime. don't block my view!" her voice rose to a yell when i just looked at her curiously, "scram!" and she gave a swat at me, claws extended in her sudden fury. startled, i gave a tiny squawk.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 06
"it's playtime, rangers!!!!" quaker shouted as the power fur rangers ran towards him with their weapons drawn. "game over, freak!" the red power fur ranger said.