Life by the Page: Martha Talks

Firstly, i'd like to thank you for reading "life by the page", secondly, i would like to take the time to let you in on what's been going on with chekhov. he has been very busy in the past couple of months and hasn't even touch his keyboard since.


The Scarlet Wolf (Page 1)

It was a sunny day in RoseVally a new family moved into town 16 year old Gabriellea (Gabriellea has long bronze hair dark hazel eyes and pale skin) along with her parents Ryan and Jasmine they bought an all white house on a quiet street called Wolven...

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my life (page 1)

As I look in the night sky I seem to forget about everything. I forget about how my parents bug the ever living days out of me about every little thing they could think of. I forget about how my girlfriend and I are slowly drifting apart, and for some...

Shadow of Death (Title page)

#1 of shadow of death title page a preview of a tale of terror to mark my return to furry horror writing. not much, just a telling.

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Pages From a Dog's Diary

**pages from a dog's diary #1** i have often wondered, what was behind the green gate. it looked as if it was never opened; old and dusty, on rusty hinges and with thick layers of green paint flaking off.

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Pages of Numbers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ with all the records open in tabs of her terminal, and pages splayed out across her table, detective clip divided her focus between the case at hand and the earpiece phone call to her mother.

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Nikai (Comic) - Page 1

#1 of nikai (comic) page one in my comic project story, "nikai"! i need (an) artist(s)! if you are interested in joining this journey with me, feel free to email me at!

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Thank you for 200 page veiws.

I really appreciate you, Your helpful, giving ways, And how your generous heart Your unselfishness displays. I thank you for your kindness, I will not soon forget; You're one of the nicest people I have ever met. wrriten by: me um thanks for...

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Raisjinn Pages 1-2 (W.I.P)

It was a snowy night as Raisjinn finally walked out of the bar, stumbling off the patio with a slight buzz into the road try regaining his balance. Looking around as his body recovered from the fall, the town was covered in a blanket of hard snow....

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 page 10

-sometime later, Houses of Parliament, London- -David Blue Smith- I looked at benches of the MP's who sat there each day, tossing cheap insults at each other rather then actually getting there job done. About 30 minutes later everyone hade sat down in...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2 Page 6

-Nova Titansteel Blitzer- "Come on, Come on! How long do you need?" I said chuckling, as I stood outside the changing rooms waiting for David. "Sorry, I'll be out shortly, I promise" David replied. The curtains open and reviled David warring a gray...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

The next day I woke up and booked a train ticket to London, I felt that it was time for me to start looking into my archive. -Later that day- I arrived at the Ministry of Legal Rights, I walked up to this big wooden desk, there was an old fox sat...

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