Rutherford Nikolaas (AU)
But mocking and hostile to those he doesn't like. usually quiet when he first meets someone new. he also have a fatherly side to him. but he rarely shows it. mostly because he sees no reason to sometimes.
Against All Odds: Part 23 - Captive
"you were not making one last week, when you chose to mock us! stupid velikans, they cannot do work as good as our machines... this is what you and your people think!"
time is water
mocking her voice perfectly. "well yes and no he's here but his smell is all over the place. but if i had to guess he would be the owner of the bar he smells the most like a demon."
I, Dacien -- Chapter Nineteen -- Consequence
"mock black, then. so mock black doesn't have that effect?" "no. it's pretty, looks so similar to ungoliant black that i can't tell the difference by eye, and is completely nonreactive."
Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch.03: Predator of Innocence - Ep02
Katharine leered as she made another mocking joke, referring to sasuga's unihorn, and her two goons simply crackled out.
Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 7
"the might argo, backing down from a challenge," ingral mocked as he reappeared atop the walls. "tsk tsk tsk, i must say, i never in my wildest dreams think i'd live to see you expose your yellow belly, my old friend."
Story of Yojimbo Yamamora
A twisted, mocking version of himself stared back at him. "how may i serve myself?" were the first words the hollow said, in its seemingly natural mocking tone. yojimbo flinched at these words, but replied, " you are going be a distraction for me.
From what i was able to make out from his hesitant speech was that the mock-priests' name translated roughly to "keepers", and how they once dwelled within the cyclopean temple.
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 6
So sorry about that, i'll try to avoid doing that if i can." mocked tom, his paws on his hips. "damn you tom!" toshi yelled drawing his sword and running at tom his thoughts gone save for one _kill tom at all cost!
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 7 a friend's aid
I'm curtain you once told me it was ijsciad" spyro said mockingly. "if you are only here to mock me then i will take my leave" cyril said as he walked grunting out of the room. "well that worked like a charm" spyro said smirking to cynder.
Chapter Eleven
"do you dare mock me? a knight of the order of the eternal sun?! i'll cut the tongue right from your mouth if you dare mock me!!"
The Anthrotransformers - Chapter 2: 'First' Training
He didn't hear the ones who got worried about them but that might be because the majority already began to mock them and were afraid of getting mocked themselves, thus kept themselves quite.