What is Reality?

She detonated a fiery explosion inside of bloody mary's wound and sent her flying into the brick wall. at that moment, both the grim reaper and the angel of sorrow appeared with weapons drawn, falling onto bloody mary.

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Becoming: Part 8-Return

John got up and slowly walked over to alex and mary. then, without saying a word, he embraced them both. alex wrapped his arms around john and mary.

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"there, there girl.", marie cooed reassuringly, petting his mane. "all done now." veldetta put a small golden stud in each hole as marie dried simba's face. "makeup time!", marie announced cheerfully as she opened her kit.

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Root of the Issue

He walked through the mudroom and saw a few familiar pictures hanging on a cork board, including one of mary and him from graduation. he remembered what he told mary the night before, he'd be back.

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Paraskepite- Prolog

mary knew she was fat but nancy must be delusional to think she was. mary would have given anything to look half as good as nancy did. "did you hear that?"

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Family Days 7

"someone is in a good mood today," mary stated, swiping into work. marion looked up and smiled brightly, "morning mary," mary smiled and nodded back. marion had probably been the happiest wolf for the past few months.

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Scarborough Fair Family Reunion Teaser

While her body sat motionless in her cabin, her mind traveled through marie's systems. under marie's guidance, she was learning how to improve her abilities in cyberspace.

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The House (Part one)

I wanted to tall mary i loved her, but in this situation, i could hold back for a while longer. so, after that awkward moment, i just went up to her and tried to tell her. "mary," i stared out.

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Dangerous Lunatics: Turning Point "Book 2"

Hey marie sue!" exclaimed kimyono in a hushed voice but when she looked over mary sue was also sitting straight up with the same wide eyed expression as she had. "mary sue? do you think we sho.." " hell.yes."

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Chapter 18

mary shrieked, as her body disappeared into the blackness, "save me!" the shout seemed to surprise the boy, making him look away from the shadow, shock flashing across his face as he watched mary vanish into the floor.

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Sebastian Grows Big

marie nodded. "you have been exercising for a while now, and have hit a plateau." she looked down at her pad and continued.

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A Life Without Meaning

mary was going through the guild messages, happy that there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, "miss mary! he's doing it to the new recruits!" mary slammed her hands down onto the table, "that's it, he's out. where is he?"

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