Venturing: Awaitor

Have i ever told you how big natty's mansion was? it was four stories high! equipped with an antenna and satellite dish upon the rooftop. each of the mansion's floors were unique and different from one another.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 2

There was an old gate metal fence between aurum and the mansion. at one point, this might have barred entry.

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An Ordinary Day - Chapter 4: I'm Just Full of Surprises

The one by the mall is purple, here is red, the one by my work is blue, and the mansion is yellow." "wait, did you say mansion? you have a mansion?" "more of a library, really.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 16 - Haunting Music

A fierce full gale, howling throughout the mansion's grounds with a shrieking of vengeance.

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The Darkness Within

She told him she required a certain tome, what for, he didn't ask, where, a derelict looking mansion at the end of town.

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A Chance Encounter

On her way to the barons mansion the caravan took a path through the woods which was dangerous since it was bandit territory and there was the constant danger of being the prey for a hungry dragon.

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Lenny Gets a Job: As a Maid in a Mansion

Lenny's progress through the house was very much following suit of how he started. To his own amusement, he found it easy to work faster fixing sink after sink, and toilet after toilet. He hooked pipes together this way and that way, moved...

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Five

"bravvius said that he's going to build porter and me a new mansion," sarah said. "we're going to live there together once it's finished." she paused and looked at all her friends.

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True love never rust: Part 2 - 14 years later

When he could see the rooftops of the mansion, he halted and took a deep breath. no matter what it was going to be awkward, really awkward but stan wanted to lay his urge to rest.

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The Outlander 3 28

There up on a balcony overlooking the mansion's hall, dressed in full armour was the beast they were all looking for, jagee the ferret. all three stepped forward and gazed upwards with hardened glares. "jagee..." said sandokhan.

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A Heart's Treasure Ch 2

The two arrived at the courtyard in front of the mansion with dozens of others crowding in around them.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: EP 10

One was a special dessert made out of berries grown in an orchard by the mansion. a low rumble is felt, low at first, then it started to build into an earthquake. an alarm is sounded in the mansion, as the whole building shakes around.

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