Sara's date with a wolf.

hey sara i formerly invite you to my den for a fire place dinner, you wonder what we will have and accept my proposal, then i phase into wolf and say climb on my back and ill get us there in no time. **_your response?_** okay, you climb onto his...


Lykos-Redemption Appendix i: The Brothers Dead or Alive? Who do they follow

**Lykos-Redemption** **/\/\/\Appendix i/\/\/\** The Brothers: Dead or Alive? Who Do They Follow? Coulter DarkClaw **...

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The day my life turned upside down wasn't when the Zombies came knocking down our doors. No, that was just a minor setback. The day I met Caleb is when everything I once believed turned around and bit me in the ass. I should probably start from the...

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends complete part one chapters 1-10

To his locker he saw a tail here, some ears there and some who had just retailed there form, humans size lycanthropes, their digitigrade lets kinda freaked alex out a bit, he watched as two lycanthropes each only having ears and a tail embraced and a fully

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 1

Night time is my favorite time of the day. Though I am often active for most of the day I prefer the night the most. With the night I can blend in better. People are far less likely to look at me and get much of a good look. And with that I can hide...

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An Eventful Trip

Early the next morning Sirblood was the first to wake and decided that today he would treat the two essence mates to a brief honeymoon trip to one of the metroplaitian human cities. Gave awoke along side Crystal at the same time, "Elder Sirblood...

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Respect Your Elders

The cave was in an uproar that morning during the strong fight between a very territorial Gave and Crystal. All the while a strong and very well mannered yet very tired warrior wizard was wandering up the mountain. He considered himself to be of...

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.5: Vampires Are a Bad Idea

So let's see, we've covered some very interesting topics so far. Don't change in public; Don't Growl at an Authority figure; Avoid People during a change; and Avoid sports with humans. I've given you some stories that contain some very sound advice....

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The Wolf's Pursuit

Patience was not one of Nathan's strong suits, as he had been quickly finding out. A breeze blew through the bushes, rustling the leaves. With his golden fur, he was ill suited towards blending in the coniferous forest, the brown trunks and detritus...

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Lykos-Redemption Foreward

**Lykos-Redemption** Forward Coulter DarckClaw To My Brothers, those under their care, and to those who would do them harm, The world we live in a closer to legend than some want to admit. The following is an account of the origins of the kind...

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Choosing Lycanthropy

**Choosing Lycanthropy** Here it is. It is lying right here in front of me on my empty desk: The vial with the powder of dried werewolf blood. I am already holding an old rusty penknife in my right hand. I can still remember the...

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Darkfyre awoke to the usual sight and stench of the cot and hovel once occupied by a one Crogk goblinfurre. Dreary. It had been an entire month already, since his official indoctrination into the Horned Frog Thaumaturgica. He'd learned of their...

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