The Fox that lived in a Box
There was once a fox that lived in a box. it was a home he could call his own. the box gave him shade on days that were bright. the box kept him warm on a cold winter night. the box was his friend and it brought him delight.
Beating A Live Horse
The starting gate dropped with a thunk, and that started the thunder. Flying chunks of turf and track pounded into dust by a legion of hooves and twitching muscled flanks and short little riders who didn't even look twelve years old. They hit the curve...
That Others May Live
It's dedicated those soldiers who go into combat unarmed, not to kill, but to save lives. that others may live by william w.
A new way to live
"there must be some way to live with the expenses. the other few taurs and chakats in this town manage to live a normal life. how do they do it?" "i met a few of them. they all have high paying professional jobs.
Living a new Life
#4 of razor fang **part 3 - living a new life** **_nightmare_** "_i'm home mom, dad!" i yelled._ "_mom? dad? are you home?"
Teaser- "Perfect Lives"
- perfect lives coming to you soon.
Long Live the Witch
Best not to leave bad blood, or even as long-lived as i am, i won't live much longer."
Alone I Live
#1 of poems was feeling down and this poem just came to me alone i live all alone in abyss it seems where people only notice me in dreams time and again i try to play a part only to be reminded that the world is a sour tart for one such as i
Something new to live for
This story begins with my return to home located in black citadel, i live with sire or ragarn if you prefer he is my father but usually he doesn't care too much about me or my brother, lucky for him he is doing the military service in the legions, so he is
A living hell (End)
#2 of a living hell march 8,1963 the end... i run up and down the island's edge trying to evade capture but, i'm not successful and i'm in the back and fall to the ground dead in a pool of blood.
Just Living: Introduction
I need every little minute and second of sleep i can get to keep on living.
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 2 - Pipp
So, the live-stream over, pipp stepped out into the world to help hitch find sunny and the others. this would need another live-stream! maybe she should have started there in the first place.