The Tail End - Kreet 68
#5 of kreet believe it or not the image works. :) inwardly kreet breathed a sigh of relief. she had been spared telling the bishop about her encounter with eilistraee.
Adoption (Kreet 17)
kreet stared at her. "get rid of it?" ashley choked up and couldn't continue. it was then that kreet understood. she kept her voice calm. "you must do what you think is right.
Falling - Kreet 82
"you need help, kreet?" asked a woman kreet didn't know well. she took the woman's hand and stood up. "thanks doreen. no, i'll be alright. just takes a lot out of you." the woman held kreet's shoulder for support till they got back to the door.
Night - Kreet 76
kreet smiled. "i don't think either of us realized they were really real till now. three new lives, right here with us. suddenly we're not just kallid and kreet. now we're five!" "five," kallid repeated.
Interlude (Kreet - 64)
I need your help, kreet. you've been taught as a cleric. i need you to help me learn how to fight. really fight." kreet nodded. and she knew he was right.
Goldworm (Kreet 90)
"oh shit, kreet! don't be like that! please!" it rumbled. she looked at the dragon's head, now turned towards her. "my lord?" "no, no, no... this will never do! kreet, i thought you were better than this!
Moonblades (Kreet - 44)
kreet called, relief washing over her. the bandits obviously did not recognize the name, and it was then that kreet noticed her hair.
Crushed (Kreet - 63)
#72 of kreet another awesome image by kuroneko of kreet. technically would best belong in an earlier chapter but i didn't have another for this one so we'll go with this! "you're sure you want to do this sig?" kreet whispered to her friend.
Brothers - (Kreet 86)
#94 of kreet and thus begins the long and exciting life of kreet the kobold (life 3). anguish and despair rolled over her like a tangible wave of coldness. she shivered underneath them far more than the simple coolness of the air around her.
Seeing Red (Kreet 18)
"i'll go get the mop," kreet sighed.
Quest (Kreet 19)
"they took my boy, kreet. _they took little paulie!_" "what?!" mekelson shook his head, "they didn't just attack the monastery, kreet. they took karl's boy. his wife's in a bad way too. kreet, we need you." "me? why me? go after them!"
Counsellor (Kreet 12)
kreet began, but the cleric interrupted. "it doesn't matter what he is good at, kreet. he sees what he is _not_ the best at, and obsesses on it. he's trying so, so hard.