Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Sixteen

Kiara had assured him that the current would draw them inexorably towards junk island. it would just take a hellishly long time. _well, she didn't exactly say that.

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Proxy and Molly: Pillow Forts and Cuddles (1)

You know watching movies and being a junk food junkie." she giggled and smiled wide. her white teeth almost sparkling as her whiskers perked up on her cheeks. her contagious could smile almost made me forget everything, almost.

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A Tail of Sparks - Chapter One

Chua like to invent, create life from junk. junk, if used right can be turned into awesome machine. only chua best at creating. humans okay but not chua quality. no where else in the universe, universes? not sure no more, but nonetheless!

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david's college days part thirty

David was in luck it was windows xp home edition and it had a lot on it, mostly junk and other people's work but david soon removed all of this and set about looking at what it had, this was seeing what the hard drive was and stuff it was simple it

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The Feeling

I have a feeling it went way deeper than one's junk being another's treasure, or money. it's quite simple, really, how this came about. and i realized. you don't just play. you sing. you feel. you make art. i'm not gonna lie, wuff.

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Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 2

Head "what did i tell you lisa, never go to the school by yourself, you know what happened last time" lisa walks past him her ears lowered "yes i know james i am sorry but i got this" she shows him the electrical components, james takes the components "what junk

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As that kind of junk always sells well i bought several of the larger boxes to help restock my shop. it was going through one of these boxes that i found the lunch-pail.

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Venturing: Siren’s Cal

Unaware of seeing loads of bags and junk hovering above me. thus, was already too late when the junk piled onto me, 'drowning' me in the sea. i gasped in response and attempted to pop out from the surface of the junk.

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A Small Boon

"it was just tossed in box and buried in junk. i'm surprised it's not broken." as lockely spoke the bottle began to glow in his hand.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 20

Hezzi chucked a piece of wood into the junk pile so hard the whole thing toppled over in a cloud of ash. "because they threatened to take his sister's life, that's why." hezzi stopped.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 20

Hezzi chucked a piece of wood into the junk pile so hard the whole thing toppled over in a cloud of ash. "because they threatened to take his sister's life, that's why." hezzi stopped.

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A Dragons Rescue. Memories

You don't need to build this pile of junk" "maybe i want to build a pile of junk. at least i can say i built something. or even change my own spark plugs. that's more than you can say eh?"

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