truth about Michael's fellings
Loss of friends, loss of hope, no truth. a face, a nose, fire breath. rebels hope, an empires might, all my game.
Empty - Chapter 3
Looking around again, he located several huge medical packs filled with things he hoped he would never require. he took one anyway. better safe than sorry. he unlocked the shop door and stepped back out into the morning sun.
Rain Poem
Rain on the Horizon Here in the rain everything seems clear The water washes my soul and clears my head So many thoughts fall away like tears falling from my eyes Is love real or does my heart lie to me I think it's my head that's the trouble...
Turning Tides of Change
The "oar" i have is not enough, but still have some hope, however fleeting. the turning tides of change by carl blessing/murphy slaugh i'm caught in the tides, going the same direction. i see where i've been and i'm deep in reflection.
Broken Man
hope that this life is more then what we are told. hope that we can look at each other with kindness. hope. and nothing can break that. there are many people who don't want change.
What I Need...
I Need more then A gental friend I Need more then comforting words I Need more then Momentary protection from greif I Need more then a pat on the back I Need more then someone ruffling my fur for play I Need more then that. I Need my other...
A Cinquain
#4 of poems dragons glow out at me like a beacon of hope they guide me in the time of dark to light
City of Love and Hope
We can try to pass by, but if we deniy our hope for who we love, why do we bother living? together we can rebuild a city of hope.
An expression of anxiety
Writing my play for class, looking at my future with hope, i find myself positive for once. a moment's reprieve from my depression. i take a break, a moment to view my messages. no reply. i send another message and i keep writing.
My work
But i've got hope, and that's all i need, for me to someday be in the lead...
And let it serve as a reminder to us all, that no matter where we are, or whom we meet...there is always hope. ^^ it was called a burn-run. lt.
I hope he moved on. as i could not.