
Story by Opera Ghost on SoFurry

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By: Opera Ghost

I can't be free,

So don't hold on to me.

You'll be trapped in this cell!

My fate is not yours as well.

I'm chained to this wall,

Where no one hears me call.

But you came along,

To sing your sweet song.

I can't let you stay!

Don't through freedom away!

In the end you will die,

Just the same as I.

So go! Live a long life.

One without hatred or strife.

Please go. Leave me alone!

You cannot help me. My heart is stone!

Please don't make me do it.

Fine! I've come to it!

I'm done with you! Every bit!

You're so full of lies! So full of shit!

So run away in tears!

Away from my fears,

Better leave me while you still can run.

Better leave me with no one.

Your soul must be free!

Or how can I live with me?

This cell is my tomb!

Please leave this room.

I can only hurt the people I love.

When we die your soul will go above.

But mine will sink to Hell.

Don't go there as well.

I am alone once more,

In a cell with no door.

My friend is now gone.

I hope he moved on.

As I could not.