P.S. I Love You

Set sail, there's a new adventure out there for me" "be back soon" "ps, i love you" i wait happily for him, waiting to hear the strange explorations he'll take i wait for him uneasy, a few weeks pass and still no returning ship in the harbor

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Break the Circle

I went walking by the harbor as the day went down to dark. i went searching through my sorrows for a place to rest my heart. will the circle be unbroken by and by? by and by? is a better home awaiting in the sky, lord, in the sky?

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Cascaded Guardians

On further perhaps in limbo, perhaps on earth stars fall around them, a heavenly kiss it could be forever, even eternity they partake in this, an evanescent bliss towards the unknown, the journey they face no destination, no haven to harbor

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Come fifteen, expressing a secret thats laughed at and dismissed, not once but twice, lashing out in anger, a kicked in door, shattered glass, reclusive nature, reckless action, all failing to succeed at their given goal a retreat into silence and harbored

The Haunted Isle -Chapter 2-

#2 of the haunted isle the haunted isle: chapter 2 the boat pulled off the pier and off into the harbor. sam sat between max and kath, and she noticed a cooler. "hey alex what's in the cooler?" she asked.

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Baby Carriages and Fake Tea in Boston = Disaster

From there on, it's open road all the way until the harbor. "what do you think should be our strategy?" jack asks maria. they didn't share their cab.

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3:25 The Other Side

Popping the collar on his suit jacket, trilby quickly found the shadows of the dark harbor, and disappeared from any of the official's view.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.4b, Shock and Awe

Aodhan had seen newport's harbor from afar but he had never been close to the wharf; what he encountered was nearly overwhelming.

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2. Tarkel Stronghold

They left the inn and instead of heading up the hill toward the castle, they headed down toward the harbor and the academy buildings.


Esilym lore: The Okkokem

The growing number of crisis' in esilym that might threaten the security of the chalakdoluv people and the kruxo their numbers have been made thinner and more spread out as of late, especially with the increasing unrest and pent up hatred many other races harbor

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 28

Shah had spent his days in the shipyards and harbors recruiting new hands for the conqueror. thess had extended an invitation for valdigt to permanently join her crew, and she'd accepted readily.

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Tales of Atlas: introduction

Atlas was not always know as atlas, but rather was known as crow harbor once upon a time. y'see there was once a mighty empire known as the voxelian collective, a once grand and mighty allaince of small monarchies and empires.

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