A New God

Absorbing him directly into his form rain laughed knowing that he was the true god of the universe now and the universe was just his play thing.

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The god of the tigers.

I would swear he was a god. such perfection in the features of this man that i'm stunned. a god indeed as his calm acceptance of my presence. " i've been waiting for you." this surprises me all the more. a god? waiting for me.


War of God

"oh my god how did you do it... i heard that he was uncapturable", \_\_bartender womens name here\_\_ pours him another drink as he begins to tell his tale.

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in the hands of a god

In the hands of a god short story the moon rose as the sun retreated just over the horizon, the small, blue, 16 year old, dragon sat on the roof of a small plantation as he watched the twilight slowly take over before the darkness fully

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In the Presence of a God

Let it be known that i, tonneau, god of the nojin race, god of emotions, god of art and music, ruler of nature and all animals in it, and of both sea and storms, hereby waive your right to choose in this matter.


Cave God

From nothing, you made the idea of god. you named me as you name your children. in me you pour your prayers your fears as you store meat in your clay pots. i am your bear-lion-god. i am dead things. empty space. and power.


Sequestered Gods

Victor's first thought was he'd become the god of war. his new understanding corrected that. he was the god of justice, to be the strong and powerful force of righteousness on this world. the ocelot's aura became a vibrant green.


The Hand of God

And that _theo_ weighing down the front-half of the word got her thinking of gods and, perhaps, of god. theology. theogeny. _the god-stone? does that make sense?_ or perhaps it was the _-dol-_ stuck in the middle. sadness? no, that wasn't it. pain?

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The Elder God

"what are you the god of, anyway? you said you were a minor god. no god of water could be minor." "i'm not the god of water, nor rivers or oceans." i couldn't keep the venom from my voice.

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The Hand of God

And that _theo_ weighing down the front-half of the word got her thinking of gods and, perhaps, of god. theology. theogeny. _the god-stone? does that make sense?_ or perhaps it was the _-dol-_ stuck in the middle. sadness? no, that wasn't it. pain?

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The Forgotten God

All thyrm could do was hold the god and let him cry, and cry oanyu did as the smaller gnoll held him. the god cried for almost an hour, big tears for the lost gods. when he was done, he was barely taller than thyrm.

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Paldrus' Journal

First-Shining, Day Twelve, Year of the Horn > It has been near a week that our king has remained in ill health and recovery seems an ever more distant dream. The council has taken to fighting over what will become of the kingdom. Our king has been...

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