Excerpt 21-The Volatiles

What i got instead was a lab full of the most dangerous mutants i'd ever seen, a crazy scientist hell bent on genetic superiority, stranded on some unknown jungle planet and stuck in a race against the clock to beat one of the most deadly biological agents

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Excerpt 19- Zombies Not To Scale

What i got instead was a lab full of the most dangerous mutants i'd ever seen, a crazy scientist hell bent on genetic superiority, stranded on some unknown jungle planet and stuck in a race against the clock to beat one of the most deadly biological agents

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Just Breathe - Chapter 5

Even just that night, with the maned wolf curled up at my side and the genet sitting across the fire from us, so many of my questions have found answers. the horrid truth of it is, though, that they know only a little more than i do.

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Just Breathe - Chapter 4

The genet darts from the tent, leaving me alone with myself. i've always thought i made pretty good company. i agree with myself, there. i'm not that bad a guy, i guess.

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Chapter 3: Flight! (part 1)

He ended up coughing on account of the dust anyway but by the time he was done he was indeed a much darker genet sporting a uniform coaldust grey coat.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Author's Notes.

So, this has been a long time coming. I finished it up New Years Eve, then just kinda got side tracked with life and all that shiz, but hopefully the Great Downtime I take from this site are over for a while. This is the end of Surface Doomed Planet,...

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Genetic Children-Log 21 - Mythos.

**Sorry about the long gap between posts, I've been working wayyyyyy too much to flex my creative yiff muscles. This is another short chapter, running, NAY sprinting towards Korm's future. Sorry there seems to be no tag for VERY...

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Sphere City (Chapter 1: Genetics)

._ **chapter 01: genetics** the quiet tapping of steel toes guided the chaotic thing across the pavement. "eeeek..!!" echoed the shrill shriek of a fleeing victim, voice sounding throughout the shrunken city district, "someone..!!

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The Awakening of The Super Genetic Soldier Fox

The rat walks up to max and looks around him in many gestures as though he was examining max "...just as i thought...max, they augmented you and now you have miltary genetics built inside of you...if you were in the army, you would have been known as a genetic

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Chapter 2: Revelations

#2 of hybrid tod the genet and his unusual reptilian friend learn more about each other. (with this installment, i'm officially caught up to what i have logs for.

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The Labs chapter 2

It had been several months since Alura had come to live in this place the other children called Haven. It was a large mansion on several hundred acres; the grounds held a vast forest, in which were cabins for the families there; a large lake where...

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Splintered Light, Ch 3.1: Triage

Reverend gustave, who had been administering 'alternative medication' to crewman jonsey accepted his flask back from the genet and turned to regard the mouse.

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