A Dark and Stormy Night
As much as he liked the feeling of the raccoon's hands on his feet, wetting his foot had made his foot smell like sweat and musk, as if he had just taken them off after walking in his boots all the way home.
The New Beginning
It was a peaceful day in the quiet town of Salkirk, one that could be mistaken for any other day, for nothing seemed to happen around. Perhaps there was seedy underground, unknown to the people, but to the common populace, there was nothing out of the...
The Elysian School of Recreational Podiatry
I kept rubbing, kneading her tense foot. her fur really was pretty. i'd never seen a red panda's foot so close, but if she kept in shape she could easily model. what she'd model, i don't know- socks and sandals, probably.
He Never Had A Chance
Even then, with his city crumbled over her feet, she was beautiful. "i got a real smile out of it," she continued on conversationally.
Krystal's Arwitrin Ad
**(she opens the product and sprays her feet with it.)** narrator: arwitrin is the only foot spray clinically proven to soothe the itching and burning of athlete's foot in 3 minutes.
Ticklish Day
Nathan started to laugh, feeling the intense tickling on his soft foot. meanwhile, the black wolf scratched his arch and the bottom of his foot, making his brother laugh loudly.
You Promised!
#2 of foot fetishy; john and francheska the second part to "dinner and a foot massage"! you promised!
From Bully to Baker: Different Shades of Gideon Grey - Chapter 7: Forget About It
On this particular night, Gideon was having trouble staying asleep. And every time he woke up, it was that much harder to fall asleep. It was around 3:30 in the morning and Gideon woke for what was now the fifth time. When he had though, he found that...
From Bully to Baker: Different Shades of Gideon Grey - Chapter 6: Baking With Determination
Gideon quickly got to his feet to retrieve the pie. as he did though, because he was still a bit shaky and didn't have hold of it properly, he dropped it, sending it all over the kitchen floor and causing the fox to start crying.
Too Much Narcissism
He stepped on greer's torso with his heavy foot, and then raised his left foot over greer's face. "lookit them orange soles. look at how big my foot is, how smooth it is!"
I'll just take a quick one in the morning..._ after scraping his feet against the floor to get the goo off, he laid both of his feet on the arm rest across from him as he closed his eyes.
New Beginning: And You Thought You Started Out On the Wrong Foot
My feet were also starting to hurt, like my shoes were shrinking while i was still wearing them. i kicked them and my socks off, too. "chansey!" "oh my!" "crud!" my feet had gone totally raichu!