The New Beginning

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission 6/6 for Dragonslover (FA)

It was a peaceful day in the quiet town of Salkirk, one that could be mistaken for any other day, for nothing seemed to happen around. Perhaps there was seedy underground, unknown to the people, but to the common populace, there was nothing out of the ordinary that existed, making their existence dull, but fulfilling at the same time, a paradox that they never wanted to challenge.

After the rumors of the destruction of the megapolis, some of the inhabitants that lived near the edge of the town were spreading rumors that a monster would come and destroy them all, based on what their relatives told them; of course, they could right as they could also be terribly wrong, for no one knew what truly happened to the city.

The fact that they had no access to anyone that came from it made any story credible; perhaps it was just a hoax, a tale invented by bored teenagers to scare people that had nothing better to do them to read dubious news.

Silvermike wasn't a native of the city nor did he even have a relative in the area; in fact, he didn't remember how he got here in the first place. It was a mystery that eluded him, but since it had little effect on his life, then he had no purpose on researching the reason on why he was there, of all possible locations.

Each time he tried to remember the way he found his way here, all he could face was a blank, as if his memory was trying to protect him from something traumatic. Perhaps it was best for him not to dwell too much into that matter, but he was still curious about the situation that could have such a thing to happen in the first place...

``Hey, I never saw around here before; are you a newcomer?'' said a voice behind the silver dragon, as he turned around, wondering who could be asking him such a question. It was the first time someone seemed to care about that.

Behind him was a panther, looking at him as if he wasn't supposed to be here in the first place; perhaps that person could help him understand why he wasn't able to remember anything about his past or what he was doing here...

``How did you know?'' asked the silver dragon, as he scratched his head, wondering how this information was able to leak to other people. It's not like he shouted it on top of rooftops, to make sure that everybody would know...

The panther looked at him for him, before grinning, as if it knew about a secret that no one else could have access. Perhaps there was something that was worthy of investigation in there, but for the moment, all he could do was to wait for the situation to unveil in front of him, so he could learn from it.

``Let's say that I have my sources'' replied the panther, as it continued grinning, holding the secret that concerned the silver dragon. What did it desired? What was its goal? There were so many questions that wandered in his mind and that were left unanswered, making him wonder if he was being toyed with.

``If you want to learn more, you better follow me; but if you want to stay in the dark, then stay behind and enjoy bliss. The choice is ours'' said the panther, as it advanced toward the city, as if it knew that the dragon would follow it.

The gamble paid off, thought, as Silvermike began following the person, wondering what he could learn from it. Not that his hope was too high; deception was always possible and he had to be reasonable, after all. But this was his chance to understand the situation, one that he couldn't let slip away...

He followed the trail for what seemed to be hours, wondering where it could lead him; perhaps it was just a ruse or a joke, destined to make him waste his time. However, as he arrived in front of a building, he knew that there more to it than a simple joke.

``Get in, if you want to learn more; but again, no one is forcing you. If you want to turn around and get out of here, no one will stop you'' said the panther, as it entered the building, leaving him in front of it, confused for a moment.

But this wasn't the time to hesitate, not when he had the opportunity to clear the fog around his own past; if he wasn't able to strike fast, then he would condemn himself to a life of hesitation and darkness, a path that he didn't want to walk upon, even though it could be safer than the one he was about to take.

Entering the building, he noticed that a huge room in front of him, as if it was some sort of waiting room; perhaps this was the place he was supposed to go, although he wasn't sure it was indeed the case. But since he had no other option, he decided to head toward that direction, for it could help him understand what he was doing there...

``Finally you are here; we know that you have a lot of questions, but before you ask them, we must proceed with the unlocking of your memory. However, before we begin, you must be sure that you want such a thing to happen, for once it begins, there is not turning back'' said a voice coming from the room, stopping him in his track.

``I am ready'' he told the voice, even though he was unsure what it was talking about in the first place. However, this wasn't the time to be picky and reject a solution that could help him, even if it could be dubious.

''Very well, then; remove your clothing and place yourself in the middle of the room. We shall begin shortly'' said the voice, as he approached the middle of the room and stripped himself. He couldn't see anyone, but he had the impression that he was being watched, as if people were close by...

As he was about to ask himself what was going to happen next, he felt a presence behind his back, as someone took that moment to attach a blindfold around his eyes while pushing him toward the ground.

The ground was soft, covered with a used carpet; well, he thought it was used one, but perhaps it was just a cheap one. But this wasn't the most important element, not when he was nude and lying on the floor, at the mercy of a crowd.

At that moment, he heard people approaching him, as if they were able to read his mind, as if they knew that he was afraid of what could happen. Or perhaps it was the way to go, one that would free his mind from the darkness...

Trying to get himself back up, he felt a paw on his paw, pushing him back to ground; it wasn't a hard push, but it was enough for him to stay in place, for he knew that this was the place he was supposed to be.

To be under a paw, to be dominated by it while he wouldn't be able to defend himself against it; it was like a dream coming true, but he couldn't understand how this was supposed to him, thought.

However, it's not like he was going to complain; although he was tricked into this position, he knew deep down that if he was proposed such a thing, he wouldn't have refused it in the first place.

The paw stood in place for a moment, until it started moving, caressing his back as it traveled from the base of his neck to the base of his tail. Each time it passed, he could feel the sole rub against the flesh of his back, making him shiver in delight.

It was a sensation that he wished could go on forever, but as passed again on him, the paw left his back, making him wonder why it would leave him. Wasn't he submitting himself to the desire of the paw? Why would it leave him when he needed it?

As he was about to get up, to try to understand the situation, he felt another paw rub against his back, replacing the one that left him a moment ago. The renewed contact against his flesh felt good, but there were something missing, as if this was just to prepare him for something bigger; however, perhaps he just had to enjoy the moment and let his mind forget about all the possible disagreement.

However, as it caressed its back, it stopped in the middle, pressing on his back instead. He could feel the pressure, the sweet pleasure as the paw imposed himself on his body, forcing him more on the ground

This was the real position he was supposed to be in; he could feel the people surrounding him, watching him as the paw was dominating him, making sure that he would be able to escape or get up.

Would they join in, or just stay there, watching as the paw would press him against the ground, making sure that he would stay in place, for this was the place he was supposed to be, after all. There was no need for him to fight it or to resist it, when it fulfilled a need he had deep down in his mind and his spirit; there was voice that spoke softly to his desire, whispering about the pleasure of the situation he was in and how he was supposed to stay there.

Although he wasn't keen on following other people them himself, he knew that this voice was right; it was what he wanted, what his body desired with a burning passion. Perhaps he should stop asking himself question and just follow his instinct, for it had tendencies to let him to situation that made him happy.

As the question travelled in his mind, he felt another paw press on his back, making him whimper for a moment, for the added pressure made him felt so good. A though crossed his mind, as he felt the paws keep him in place, dominating him.

He wanted to spin, so the paws would be on his stomach and not his back; although it felt wonderful, he knew that it would be better on the other side, but since he wasn't the one in charge, it would only be a though that would roam in his mind, unless it would come to fruition...

As he was thinking, he could feel a little push on his side, forcing him to turn on his back; it was the signal he was waiting, the one that could change the course of the day, for it continued in the same pattern...

``With the new part of the ritual, your mind shall soon open and reveal its secret back to you; but for now, try to enjoy...'' said a voice, as he felt more paws step on him, making sure that he would know his place...