The Story Behind the Slaughter
First off, I want to say one thing. I know what I did was wrong. I am deeply remorseful for my actions. And I deserve whatever punishment that is exacted upon me. I know that this will not change anything, but I will say it anyway. I'm...
(Kataze struts into the prep room, wearing a top hat with a big "10" on it made with white paint.) SILVER: Hey, Kataze, what's with the hat? NITRO: Yeah, you don't usually wear hats like this. TOMMYFOX: Hehe. He looks like a penguin. SOMBRA: This...
Corner of the Sky (M to Anthro Dragon TF)
"you should've asked for freddy fazbear. har, har, har, har." the surrounding kids snickered. it was the first -- and last -- laugh of the event. arthur sighed quietly enough so his will to live appeared perfectly intact.