Dragon Storm: Chapter 43: Dragon Talon Island Chapter, Restart!

War wolf read lazz's mind prior to his actions and pulled a marble slab from the floor and intercepted the warhead causing a giant explosion. this explosion sent both war wolf and lazz flying in different directions.

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Public RP chatroom suggesti

No firearms, hi-tech explosives or advanced technology are allowed in this chatroom, that's the challenge!

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Dust, Blood, and Fur Part One.

The sniper would take high priority targets, like anyone who may start lobbing explosives in their direction. "fire-squad one in position and awaiting orders."

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The Human: Chapter 1

A shadowed figure fell out of the explosion. "look an ugly fox anthro just exploded mid air!" shouts jamie who barely had time to notice that steven had already ran towards the explosion. "no steven!

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Rebels and Empire

Well those sound like explosives, and i'm guessing a spy was planting them, weren't they? information is being taken from here and given to the empire, i'm pretty sure.

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3:24 When the Hammer Falls

_dirty bomb... about to explode... might as well be your fault..._ this time, getting to his feet was an excruciating task.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 12

"explosives attached, explosives attached-" thunder filled his brain, as something kicked him so hard in the crotch that he reflexively curled forward even in the electronic dream-space.

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Memories: Nightmare (OLD STORY)

Without knowing it, she rushed towards the explosion. "cynder, wait up!" terrador called after her as he ran after her and wind, who had followed her. cynder ran towards the direction of the explosion with haste.

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Star Hopper Chapter 7

He raced after bot towards the ship while behind them the base began to explode in green and blue explosions. racing through the courtyard trent saw a glance of a fur running down a hall with his love in his arms.

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Red Storm chapter 2

They reached the commissar just as an explosion ripped through their communications tent to their right. "comrade commissar!" kiril yelled. the commissar spun around to meet yuri and kiril. "what are you doing!" he yelled.

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Smart Poisons - 1 - Naming

One traffic light still blinked, remaining red, until some explosion or bullet shot the light out. artillery rumbled ahead, and explosions sounded out. the wolf glanced around.

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