Pale Shade of Blue

Heart in two miss the lies written in your shade of blue hare and shrew badger, squirrel, molemaid too saving all their rage for you from the island where they flew anger, hating knifeblade flies faster than the death of night end the son's envy

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All i ever feel anymore is pain, i see everyone around me happy, i envy there joy. i can't remember a time i haven't relied on the pain to help me, the sting i feel from it. no one understands that it's an addiction; i cant quit in a day.

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Jewel of the Spring #3

{i envy you.} i replied. {why would you envy me?} she asked. {when i was born i had no parents to care for me. i grew up in a place that takes in children who have nobody. that's is why i envy you.} i informed.

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A Tail for Two - Chapter 9

"i didn't know you worked at envi." i replied, staring at the wounds on his neck. they had finally stopped bleeding, but they were very noticeable.

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I envy your patience.


Ep22-The sixth heist-The Tamers of shadow

Turns out the prison of envy owned by jane peterserbeg of the actual city prison was the monarch of a shadow castle. so like always the team took down the next monarch but had no clues on who may be the mastermind. "hmmm...

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Wishing Well

I envied your spit. you looked upward to the wild country sky, the wide universe's starshine echoed in hazel eyes, not mine, oh lord, not mine. i stop to wipe my eighty-proof tears, and check my pockets for the past twenty years.

A poem I wrote some time ago.

Point in life, wishing i had you but as i stand here idly wishing, i turn and gaze anew at the man i hate with the one i love, it's you, it's you, it's you i see you with this perfect man, grinning up at him i see you with this bastard man, and i envy

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A Broken Mirror

Perfect face, perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect body, to be honest, sometimes i feel a bit envy. insecurities wash over me due to my past. maybe it has influenced me to think like this. the memories will live on until i die. that is not a lie.

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Lost My Empathy

You're always arguing, trying to decide, to whom this land belongs, when you die, i do not pity you, i fucking envy you, why do you try to, avoid death for so long?

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It could be envy, it could be jealousy, it could be pity, but i know for sure it's sadness. a thing that has kept me in its cage since day one. only to not be freed but only trapped there forever.

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