It's Just a Game

Just as suddenly the world came back, only this time he was standing in a dull grey square metallic room, next to steve, who was looking paniced. "what the hell was that!?" he yelled out at his friend. "well......."


A Pirate's Life: Rising Tide (Part 2)

He smiled, leaned back, and reached over to twist the knob on the oil lamp, dimming it to a dull light, perfect for drifting off to sleep.

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Cold Blood 11: Cut Deep

It was like a dull, thick wall that he could feel, and the minotaurs seemed intent on running into it at full speed.

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The Big Sister Part Six: Reunion

This task dulled and bored him, but due to him being the supreme executive power on moebius it was one he must do. the baron was trying to get through the grueling process of paperwork.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 11

The moment when the eyes grow dull and the neck goes limp. to be stuck in that moment without the release of death, to feel what he was feeling right now without any hope of ending it...

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The crocodile would look at the small, thin, dull colored, emotionless-eyed dragon, then see the red cuts on his head and neck, "i-is it you....? g'eon....?"

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Candy Mouse- Living with her dad

After a month of living like this, i felt all crazy and cooped up with this dull routine and this dull home, so the first day of spring, with weak sunshine coming through the windows in the warehouse, i took my leave.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Twelve

Slowly darkness covered the sky, and by the time that i had returned to camp, only the horizon glowed a dull orange from the reflected light of the sun below the horizon.

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Dark Events, Dark Times: Prologue

To pay the dull ache anything more than passing notice. i begin kicking and swimming wildly, aware that the two others in front of me are doing the same.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 4 - And Then There Were Five

Its black dull surface no longer reminded him of love and courage. now, it made him think of slipping into a numb darkness, where he would feel pain no more. * * * he had done the best he could.

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Burdens - Chapter 15: Recreation

#15 of burdens getting dull again chapter 15: recreation they retreated to the wolf's room after breakfast. it was a quiet morning, somewhat dull to start out, at least after the initial excitement.

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Choosing Lycanthropy

The dull knife only leaves a red line on my skin. would i change immediately? they didn't mention anything about that during the instructions, right? shit... not wanting to waste my jeans, i pull them off, leaving me wearing my shorts only.

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