The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 26
Blaze erupted all around his draconic snout when his teeth got a grip of the neck, the flames scorched his snout, yet despite that he jerked his head back, the force of adult, developed draconic muscles was enough to peel off a creature as small as the beast
The Dragon Society - Training
He decided to keep his augmented form's main features in his large draconic form, though he wasn't sure just how he was going to pull it off. he decides to take it in stages.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 2
It first half was a form resembling a draconic skull, with only the upper jaw present, excluding teeth naturally.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 14
The dragons surrounded her, trapping her inside a draconic circle while slowly thinning the space between her and their paws with each step they made.
The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 10
Her wings started to grow feather, black as a raven, yet still tolerate her draconic appendage under it.
Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 14)
_\* adam looked at latias, latios and his draconic-self \*_i said that i wanted the family to be full again i meant that... but..._\* he looked at skye and riolu \*_i told skye that i would go and live with her. i'm in a tight spot. what should i say?
The Great Adventure
They were some of the securest ever built by the engineers of the draconic reclamation force, and every rank of this sub section, from low to high could be proud of their achievement.
Guardians: Alethia Prologue
The floor was a red marble with the ceiling being a gold color with draconic words enscribed on it.
City of the Damned -Chap V
"i'd be inclined to call you a lier, if i did not know of draconic honor. after all, you are a high dragon... are you not?" talon nodded, looking around slowly.
The draconic fighter lunged forward, fist pulled back to strike. his muscles were far stronger than his lithe frame would suggest, and the first blow landed with rib-cracking force.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 7
That's the more stiffest spot on a draconic body during a flight. bones are so thick there that it's nearly impossible to feel any movement.
Light Bane: Chapter 38 (Start of Part 5)
We never thought of that because dracokin and qeveriyt sounded draconic we assumed that the dragons did not let us translate it. it's doubly more important for a kobold because we learned draconic tongue.