All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)

The "sanctuary of snakes", "cove of crustaceans", and the "cape of dolphins" were all farther down the beach in the opposite direction.

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A Brief Overview of Runeterra

These races are the drakel(dragons), the fenneckin(foxes), the lupis(wolves), the ursus(bears), the clawkin(cats), the barkin(dogs), the oakin(tree people), and the seakin(whales and dolphins). each race has beliefs, habitats, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

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Love Bubble Trap

They are also down to trap other mammals as well, like dolphins, but humans are their absolute favorites. the more their prey struggles, the longer their confinement will be.

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Zombiology - Orca

Seals and sea lions, fish, seabird chicks, even dolphins and whale calves. since the land dwellers had gotten sick, many of those had become scarce as traditional migration routes and breeding places had been abandoned for safer, more obscure places.

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Pacificaris: Tales of What Lies Below

Pacificaris Pt. 4 Tales of What Lies Below As with anything I write the following story is fiction. The characters are copyright to me. If you are reading this with hopes of yiff then you are out of luck. Some of the scenes may contain subject...

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Swim Through My Mind

**THE CHRONICLES OF FINALGAMER _Swim Through My Mind_** _"His answer trickled through my head Like water through a sieve." The White Knight, Through the Looking Glass_ To awaken in mid-air was a whole new experience to the raptor, and one...

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Origin of the FinalGamer 4 - The Net Tightens

The next day came with a warm smile for James in the form of reflective chrome, smiling his own warped reflection back at him from the depths of a nearby garage. His trusty motorbike of 6 years, which he slid his hand along gently, caressing the cool...

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Stick Together

 _  Thud. Thud. pop pop pop pop_ The sounds of a distant firefiht rattled on in the distance. Gritty sand whirled through the tan canvas tent, settling on anything and everything in sight. Including the open cylinder...

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Search for Paradise

Mist looked around at the blue walls and felt like he was in the ocean himself, the walls were actually decorated with dolphins and some pictures of the previous leaders of pacificaris. mist meandered into the bedroom, as he gazed around the place.

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Musical Melody

I've never seen the rainbows this alive, I have never felt the cool shimmering warmth on my skin this marvelous. 15 miles an hour I surfed the waves. I challanged myself to jump as high as I could, do as many flips and turns in the air as was...

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The orcas and dolphins swimming joyously beneath the mighty rolling waves are enough to make you feel you're in a fantasy. free from worry, trouble, and fear, they play and sing within the mighty blue beast of the high seas.

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A night without my rider

In the distance, a group of dolphins splashed in the water; i joined them, before deciding to feed myself on them and gulping a pair, finally tasting live flesh after a life spent eating carcasses. i was free. i was living like a dragon.
