7 Year Journey
A brief scan ascertained that the distress call had come from one of the destroyed ships. from the remains, they could tell that it was similar to the one that had fled.
The Orilus Incident: Chapter 1
And a distress call would be...y'know...asking for help?" this was one of the humans i didn't know the identity of. based on his cloth choices, i didn't want to either...
Chapter XXV: Even Though It All Went Wrong
His father looked down, slightly distressed. "i still love her, you know. even after twenty years. but, still, i can't blame you. ashleigh sounds like a very nice woman, at least the way you describe her." "she is.
Behavior Unbecoming
#3 of tales of the dark horse, season 7 the dark horse responds to a distress call, and finds an old ally with a puzzling secret.
Thrive or your atrocious butchery bears their horrible deliverance arctic massacre eighty-four parallel discoveries farther south distressing rise new cliffs t.
Perceptional - Pt 1
He said something, and he didn't sound distressed. what are you thinking? this whole train of thought started because he didn't get hurt like in your hypothetical scenario. now this is going to nag you for a while isn't it?
Life Beyond the Snow: Chapter 1
To be under this much distress, zane figured that it was getting to him again. he wasn't the best at cheering people up, but for his friend, he had to try. "soo... what do you think the city under the lights is like?"
10 - Reflection
_i rescued a damsel in distress from dragons._ the smile forced his face to pull back and he was unable to keep his dour expression.
Rebirth ch33
Finally it was the infant cubone that 'was' asleep upon that of trisha's back awoke from the noise and began to wail in distress of all the loud noise.
07 - Between Heaven and Equestria
"i need you to rescue a damsel in distress," she spoke simply ... and then the details flashed before his eyes.
Finding Humanity Chapter 1
In desperation, the ship sends out a distress signal, in hopes of finding aid, but this far out it's unlikely. the raiders themselves heard of the ship, and the tech on board they felt was worth taking.
A Giant Problem IV
I huddled down in the lab room, waiting for dr stevenson, trying not to show my distress and anger. that bastard had threatened my father. subtly, but the threat was there, left unspoken but all to clear.