chapter 6-Mavericks guilt

"alright, let's head back to the temple" said cyril to a tired spyro and ryan.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 26

cyril blasted a stream of ice at the far wall, the bolt spreading wavering light around itself.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 21)

cyril glanced down the corridor, contemplating what cynder said. "which floor?" "fourth" "alright, i'll go check on them first, but when i get back i want to know exactly what happened." "cyril. take some life gems, they'll need them."

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Solarix the Snowmage

Cinamon looked at cyril who had suddenly found interest in his drink.

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A new beginning: Rest and Recuperation

cyril watched spyro as cynder left, his whole poster seemed to physically drop and he watched her go with a look in his eyes that cyril hadn't seen in years. cyril kept an ignorantly plain face, he spoke to spyro in the same flat tone.

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TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 3 back to Warfang

"anyway" cyril said after regaining his posture "what about that mysterious black dragoness?"

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 13

He heard a sound coming from the door, looked up to so cyril chuckling. "not now cyril. i'm not in the mood for your comments," he growled in annoyance.

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