Final Excerpt- I Have To Go Back
"you'll need me to adapt the cure to different strains of the virus as we go along", sarah smiled. "i go wherever you go, so of course i'm in", magellan smiled.
"I forsook myself, Paulie"
I preached that i had been cured, i preached that i had been freed from demons, the worst of them being you, and i frightened my children so much.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Seventeen
"you asked him if he had a...cure or something?" dex's expression turned dark, and i immediately regretted saying that. "yeah, that's it," he said, nodding. "nobody works for majestic because they want to, amber.
Journal Entry 2
I did cure him though, everyone i've helped has been cured. i guess i'm just looking for a cure as well.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Seven
_no cure! not need cure!_ slowly, my hand turned the knob. _not need! not need!_ it screamed into my brain. _if you really loved them, you'd do anything,_ stark's voice argued with it. "i'm...
poem: innocence
Innocence its all tainted all sinned evil and no good to be within there no innocence we are loss in corruption it's the greed and pride the vanity of lust maybe it was just meant to be there is no innocence there is no cure
395 The Epitaph Of The Dragon
I am the disease that cures, the cure that kills. in seasons without memory, i remain unknown still. the clarity of my depth is the deepness of spilled ink. the anchors are torn away, and something dark reveals its wings.
Hephaestus: Alan's story part 1
The pemc had injected him with toxins that would have killed a normal man in ten minutes, but he had survived and stolen some cure from their labs. the virus unfortunately stayed inside of him and the cure became inert.
Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 4- This Hell Sure Looks Like Paradise
I'll continue to produce that compound along side my cure research, but don't expect much." "okay", i said, "so we have a short term weapon, but what about a long term weapon?"
Change in Venue- September
It was as if somehow the plague was curing these diseases.
Don't Look In The Mist Book 1 Prologue
Eventually, the death count of sterile rage would rise more and more every day, causing scientists and doctors to find a cure. they never found a cure for the virus.
The Acerbus Wolf
I don't work for anyone but myself and my friend scarlett but she's harmless and i'm looking for the doc for a cure." he grinned at the same time i did, "interesting answer, but there is no cure.