Situating himself upright in his cot- the lazy bum!- he took a deep breath, and recited the scrying incantation. the diamond pulsed wickedly once, moving up darkfyre's arms and throughout his being.

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As he lay on his cot, he felt the shame running through him and suddenly he knew, he had to redeem himself.

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Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall - Chapter 3

You, set your things down on the first cot and remove your jerkin." "o' course, marm," he said, unslinging the knapsack and sword from over his shoulder and setting them down on the floor by the cot.

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Reyll & Loa: Chapter 1

He sat up and swung his legs off the cot and looked around. "uh, when you... stopped me, was i carrying anything?" "i'm afraid not, sorry. just the coinpurse tied to your belt.

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Rabbits in Trouble: 3

Having given up attempting to converse with him she had laid back down on her dusty cot and half-watched him out of curiosity.

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Wayward Scale; The Wasteland Prologue; Fallout

He went to the row of cots and sat on one on the end. he turned himself on his side and laid across the cot listening to the bombs detonate outside. however, it was hard to sleep with the cat meowing.

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Chapter One

Blinking several times, she began to look around at her surroundings, finding herself lying on a padded cot inside a darkened tent, the scent of drying herbs hanging heavily in the air.

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Orion, the Broody Red Panda in Space

Every day he would wake from his cot in the bunker, ready his security vestments, set his phaser to stun, and finally drink his cup of morning joe.

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A man with a shaved head was lying on a cot, he was over six feet and was very muscular. he wore an orange jumpsuit he felt a presence so strong it woke him from his sleep.

Foxy and Kitty- Episode 16

He remembered he had a cot stored in the back of the closet and smiled. "you're welcome to stay here if you don't want to be alone. i have a cot i can sleep on, and you can have the futon if you like." kitten blushed a bit.

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That's Using Your Noggin

Alice stood up on her cot while hazel remained on her side, facing the wall, weeping quietly to herself. alice waddled over to the bowls and awkwardly kicked them over to hazel. she sat down on her cot and scooped up some pudding with her tongue.

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