Thoughts on chaos and order
The concept of chaos in this case is our (metaphorical) begrudging ally and the concept of order is our (metaphorical) enemy. but as with all things there is some grey. a lot of grey.
The Awareness of Nothing
Are encoded in nothingness and decoded by the individual without ever having to be created -- the subjective experience was not invented either, it is simply the finite result of mere infinity a stable objective reality is impossible without irrational concepts
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 25- Absence
Lukan wanted such concepts to be nothing more than that: concepts. dark concepts that he wanted to strive to avoid at all costs.
SPQR Chapter 5
Safety and peace had become more important concepts to the wolf especially now that he was married and had a son.
A Wandering & Pondering Python (Illustrated by Korwin)
After many half-formulated plots and buckets of random character thoughts, the only concept that blossomed during his roam was to create this rather unique little poem!
Information - Story Links
This story explores the concept of any fictional world really existing somewhere somehow.
Guardians: UGSM Serenity
History: construction for this ship was started in march of 2738, conception of the serenity was started on humanities home world, earth, and was later transferred over to jupiter to finish up the concept and theoritical designs of the ship.
Lonely Oak Chapter 75 - Understand The Concept Of Love (Part 1)
Emeral started to stir as the clusters of buildings became more apparent. She had not been sleeping, not this time at least. She heard the page of Ket's book flip, one of the many hundreds in the novel that he had his eyes buried in. She glanced at him...
Science for the Sci-fi Writer: Dark Matter
Cool concept, which i don't take issue with in the slightest. i have my own dark/shadow-themed character. however, this other user described the source of her character's powers as dark matter, which made me scream, "noooooooooooo!!!
The Lion, the Witch, the Water Closet, the Pointy Sticks, the Beavers, the Archduke Ferdinand, and the Other Things that Happened
conception is a big word which means "the high point of a film". unfortunately for mr. and mrs.
A Journey in Hell - Chapter 2 [Limbo]
It's just that the christians believed that there would be an afterlife that they created the concept of heaven, the kingdom of god. the egyptians have a similar concept, except that 'heaven' is exclusive to gods, no mortal may enter."
Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet
You must certainly be aware of the concept of carnivores and herbivores, no?