University Story - Chapter 1

He said he did clumsy stuff like this all the time... "umm, ah...sorry...wrong roo-"alex was cut off again by another figure entering the room. it was shane, and alex's heart leaped a little.

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The Cat's Stroll 03

A clumsy smile grew on his maw like the first bloom of spring. that was the closest to death that kyu cao had ever been. it was also the most stimulating experience he'd ever had until now.

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Two Lost Lambs in the Forest

You got momma's elf blood in you and i just got poppa's clumsy human blood in me." he pouted and crossed his arms as he began to kick at each bush with well worn hobnailed boots.

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Four

After witnessing my difficulty with the spoon that i was trying to use to feed myself vivian gently took it out of my clumsy grasp and gently began to help me with eating.

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My Fursona

He is very brave and clumsy, and he has a certain view on the government. his fur is otherwise rough, and he is very friendly, but all it takes is a couple of wrong moves and could burst.

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Max: Character Info.(My life as a furry)

.** **height: 5,7** ** ** **weight: 128 pounds** ** ** **who does he take after; mother or father: mother** ** ** **are they generally balanced or clumsy: balanced ** ** ** **describe their walk: normal** ** ** **describe

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Alone On An Island Chapter 3

I was being so clumsy as i followed the scent i wasn't looking where i was going i bumped my head on a tree and sable couldn't help but burst out giggling.

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Guro Challenge #18: Ball-Jointed Doll

"clumsy _schlampe,_ vot did i tell you?" she shoved triss away; triss tried to catch herself, failed, and plunged headlong down the stairs, landing with a horrible crack and an explosion of pain.

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Character Vignette -- Rainy Day Fund

Bombs and weapons of mass destruction are clumsy, artless, and wasteful; i avoid investing in lockheed martin and halliburton. i prefer to invest in death only when i can deliver it personally, and to a specific target.

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Lumeria's biography

- it's something clumsy with physical attacks. - she hates ghost-type pokémon.

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A Golden Oppurtunity - Chapter Two

#2 of a golden oppurtunity theseus is a treasure hunter, but his clumsiness and carefree attitude go against every requirement for the job. he doesn't let this deter him on his quest for infinite wealth as he braves caves, dungeons, and monsters alike.

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