Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Four

Story by Chakat_Shadowstripe on SoFurry

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#5 of Second Chances & New Beginings

Daren's nightmares are hell, and we finally learn what restrictions he has to live with and how long he's going to stay a cub.

"Where's my beer you little brat?" I shivered at that voice as my father rambled around the house looking for his beer. I tried to hide in my closet, the flimsy door of the closet offered little protection for me as I hid, trying not to cry.

"Dad," I heard the voice of Lacey, my older sister say, "I got rid of that stuff cause it makes you mean to me and to Daren."

"Why you little..." There was a heavy sounding thump before his voice roared. "Don't you ever touch my things again little girl! Do you understand?!"

I shivered and cried softly to myself as the sounds of him thumping on my big sister resounded through the flimsy walls of the double-wide that we lived in.

"Daddy please stop... you're hurting me!" Came my sister's shout of pain as dad kept up what he saw as a, reasonable, punishment for my sister trying to stop him from drinking and hurting both of us.

While this was happening, I curled up as tightly as I could and hugged my tail to my chest... wait... tail, I... oh...

I woke up from the nightmare, crying softly to myself as I remembered how that evening had gone. It hadn't stopped when my father had finished beating my sister black and blue, she'd had to stay home from school for the next four days to allow the bruises to fade. It had only gotten worse as he'd looked for, and found me and administered a punishment to me, mainly for the accident that I'd had while hiding in the closet.

I was still crying, though not as softly as when I'd first woken up, when the door to my bedroom opened and somebody came over to my bed and picked me up. "Shhhh kitten, Momma's here." Vivian's voice came to my ears and I found myself hugged against her naked breast.

As soon as I was securely in her arms she turned for the door and headed towards the master bedroom where her and Jack slept.

"Is he okay Viv?" I heard Jack's sleepy voice ask.

"Yes, he is Jack, but like you said, he probably just had a really bad dream." She replied before laying me down beside Jack and joining a few moments later.

"That's where his drug habits came from Viv, he was a junkie, not from a desire to do damage to himself, but rather to keep the nightmares at bay." Jack said softly hugging me warmly.

I yawned tiredly, the tears still in my eyes, which I closed and found myself slipping my thumb into my muzzle before once more falling asleep, sandwiched between the warm bodies of Vivian and Jack.

I woke up some time later, though I could tell that it was morning now as I could see the cool light of the morning coming through the gaps in the curtains. As I became aware of my surroundings I found that I was still snuggled up against the warm, black-furred figure of Vivian.

"Morning kitten." Her soft voice said before I looked up to her face.

"Uh hi... uh Vivian?" I asked, though inside I would rather use the name that I'd called her the evening before.

She nodded slightly, "Kitten I think you'd rather use the other name for me, wouldn't you?"

I nodded back softly. "I know you aren' really my momma, but..."

"You think that I could take the job eh?" She finished for me. When I nodded in reply she softly cuddled me with her arm softly. "It is a job that I would be happy to take for you kitten, and I would never abandon you, like your mother did."

I found my eyes leaking tears again before I did my best to hug her tightly. "Please, neve' leave me again momma." I exclaimed before she softly guided me muzzle, once more, to one of her breasts.

"I will never leave you kitten, I know that to do so would break you beyond repair." She stated as I began to dry nurse again. "You keep that up kitten and soon you might actually get something from me." She stated with a gentle chuckle.

I let go and pulled away softly looking up into her eyes. "Momma I dun' know why but it makes me feel... nice."

She laughed softly, "Kitten I think you need it, not physically, but your mind needs it to heal properly. Besides isn't it nicer than those things that you used to do to yourself to conceal how you truly felt?" She said before nudging me back towards her breast again.

I didn't really resist as she guided my muzzle back to where it had been before.

"Morning love," I heard Jack's voice say softly as I heard him step into the room before the odour of a warm cup of coffee crossed my nose. "You hope those shots take effect soon?"

"Yes, of course I do Jack," She replied, "Doctor Hysun said that having him nurse frequently will also encourage my body to start producing."

"How is our kitten taking it love?" He asked.

"I think he's still waking up, but he isn't sure, though I know that instinctively he knows he needs it on some level." She answered before I heard her take a sip of something. "Didn't Reginald say that it would help him physically as well?"

"Yes, he did, he said that as basically a newborn, that Daren would need something like milk, to stabilize his mental pattern and to get him in full control of his body, though I don't think that he was aware that you were going to do it yourself."

I felt her nod as I snuggled against her side. "I think as often as this cub says he doesn't need it, he actually does. It will help us bond properly, and that's the only way that he will ever heal properly. Without the bond I doubt he will ever be completely healed from his own mother's actions." At that last statement I felt and heard Vivian growl.

"Easy love, it isn't his fault that she did that thing."

"I know but the thought of a mother abandoning her children to an uncertain fate makes my claws itch." She replied.

"I know it does love, I know it does. Hell, I feel about the same way, and his father is another person that I feel betrayed this boy's trust in him.

"You're not wrong on that assessment love, but for the time being I think we should just work, as a family, to get this cub to where he should be, within the limitations that you agreed to with the Judge."

"Yes, though after breakfast we're going to have to sit down and go over that with him so he knows the full rules of his life going forwards."

I felt Vivian nod as I let go of her nipple and yawned softly before wiggling away from her. "Jack, can you tell me now?" I asked, while licking some drool from my muzzle, I'd found that even while nursing dry, I'd ended up slobbering a bit for some reason.

He smiled down at me and shook his head, "After breakfast kitten, because it will take some time and I don't want a cranky hungry cub getting angry at me."

I opened my mouth to object but then my stomach chose that moment to make a rather noisy complaint about how empty it was.

Vivian laughed softly before taking another sip of her coffee and sitting up. "I think we all need some breakfast eh Daren? Food makes a grouchy cat a bit nicer to be around."

Jack also laughed, both at me and at his mate. "After six years of having a panther as my mate I should know that love." He said after suppressing a chuckle before leaning over and picking me up. "After breakfast, and after we discuss what restrictions you have to live with, we can get back to exercising your body and getting you back to the level of mobility that you should have."

I considered what he'd said and after a moment I nodded. I was well aware that I'd have some kind of restrictions on what I did, since the crimes I'd been charged with were a bit more serious than my normal charges. "Okay," I finally said before Jack turned and headed for the door with me in his arms.

Breakfast was a quiet affair, with all three members of the household working diligently to get food into their bodies with varying degrees of success. The main problem that I seemed to be facing that my hand didn't always to follow the path that I wanted it to.

After witnessing my difficulty with the spoon that I was trying to use to feed myself Vivian gently took it out of my clumsy grasp and gently began to help me with eating. Once she took over guiding my food laden spoon to my mouth I was able to quickly consume my large meal. After finishing my food, she gently used a cloth to wipe my muzzle of the misses that my clumsy hand had generated before picked the bottle that was sitting on the table up and handing it to me.

"Momma this is kind of humiliating, I mean I..." I tried to object.

She placed it in my hand softly before she said, "I know kitten, I think I understand how you feel about having problems with eating and drinking. You feel that we're treating you like a baby, but you don't feel like one, do you?"

"Yeah, I mean I know that my body has some issues, but I want to get over them as fast as possible. A bottle is well..."

She nodded and looked over at Jack. "How about we make deal kitten? We can try and use a safety cup, until you can use a normal cup."

I nodded readily, though I was well aware of what a safety cup was, since I'd had personal experience with them as a kid, though they went by a different name back then. I think she only called it that since she didn't want to humiliate me.

Vivian smiled softly and went about changing the container for my drink, and I was thankful for it when I got it since I was feeling more than a little thirsty by that point in the morning. "Here you go kitten."

"Thanks momma," I replied taking it and quickly began working to get the most out of it that I could.

Before I could say anything, else Jack came over and picked me up before hugging me softly and carrying me to the home office. "Okay I know that you really weren't paying attention when I showed you the deal that we made with the Crown in terms of what is going to happen to you, so now I need to show it to you again."

I shivered and nodded, knowing that he was serious. "I know Jack, I got caught with more than my normal amount of stuff."

He nodded, "Yes you did, but it is also because of your history Daren. You have a fairly long rap sheet now, and the Crown Prosecutor was tired of seeing you."

"He wanted to throw the book at me?" I asked, though I already suspected what I'd said was true.

"That's correct Daren, so as you can probably imagine trying to make a deal with him wasn't easy." Jack sighed and reached for a manila folder that I knew contained the details of the deal that ended up with me being a cub. He made no pretenses as he pulled the papers out and laid them out on his desk, in such a manner as I could see them.

I took a sip from my cup before looking down and beginning to read. Though my body was still developing muscular strength and coordination my ability to think and read hadn't been affected at all and I was easily able to read the documents in front of me.

"As you can see you need to stay at your current level of development for a rather extended period of time." He said softly.

"Fifteen years Jack?" I blurted out rather surprised at what I was seeing.

"Yes, fifteen years, and then a further twenty-eight years to reach full maturity." He replied giving me a gently hug at the same time. "I know that it is hard to accept, but the Prosecutor wanted more."

"More?!" I yelped, folding my ears back slightly.

"Yes, more Daren. He wanted a full twenty years of being the way you are now, minus your current lack of abilities. Though this sentence here is contingent on an assessment that will take place every five years."

"What kind of assessment Jack?" I asked turning my head to look up to him.

"Daren an assessment to see if you've truly stepped away from the path that you were on before. The Crown never wants to see you step into the defendant's box again." He answered, though I could tell that there was more to it than that.

"Jack is it cause this has never really been done before on a case like mine?" I asked, though I did suspect that was true.

He nodded slightly, "Daren you're a sharp kid. I think that's what really annoyed the Judge and the Prosecutor, there is so much potential in you and yet you only ever seemed to be able to use it towards criminal ends."

I leaned back against Jack and sighed, "What other limitations do I have to live with Jack? I mean I know that simply being a cub isn't the only thing that they agreed to."

"Yes, we also have some restrictions on what you can do." He said, "I know it hurts, but for five years you are prohibited from having any access to a networked computer or portable device."

"I guess that means no modern gaming devices?" I asked though I figured those were included.

"That's what it means kiddo. We've already set up the few that you can use in the media room, and I've had to ensure that the ones you can't use are locked up." He said firmly, "The last limitation is that we need to have a constant awareness of your location, so you are wearing a sub-dermal tracking implant."

"Will it ever be removed?" I asked softly, I could feel that I was on the edge of tears, though I was well aware that I was paying for my previous behaviour as an adult human.

"Yes, kitten, it will be removed when your primary sentence is completed in fifteen years." He stated softly, "And before you ask, Vivian and I aren't going anywhere. We've both been treated with anti-aging treatments to make sure that we'll always be here for you."

I turned around to face him and then buried my head in Jack's chest to let go of my emotions. I knew that I'd earned every restriction that had been placed on me, but I still was having trouble dealing with them. I sobbed forlornly as I realized how much of my freedom had been taken from me, though I was well aware that I wouldn't have survived a normal prison sentence.

Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Five

It took me a few minutes to get a hold of my emotions and look up to Jack's face, I could see the concern for my well being in his eyes. "You okay kitten?" He asked softly as he reached out with one hand to gently shuffle the papers on the desk back...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Three

The rest of the day I spent my time trying to come to terms with what had happened to me, though to be fair I was starting to find that the good definitely outweighed the bad. During my first meal in my new body I was rather embarrassed to say that I...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Two

The ride to the house that Jack owned took over an hour, since the clinic was located towards the center of the city and Jack lived in a gated community on the Southwestern edge of the city. As he drove Jack would occasionally tell me something of...

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