The union

Placing a ring on each others finger, the choir sing along backing a singer. walking their way down the aisle, both of them happier than have been in a while.

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Surface (Chapter 9)

He'd begun to think about trying to meet him and talk to him after the sermon to ask him if he might ever want to go hang out somewhere to do something, because after all he'd figured that even angelic choir singers must have gotten at least a few hours off

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Bonded by Chance - Chapter 1

Too embarrassed to keep looking and find out, i look down and focus on the sheet music in my choir folder, my face probably as red as a giant tomato.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 24)

Step up your game people, this is choir, not acapella." the class collectively chortles as one by one, the animals filter out of the music room. solomon is last to leave.

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~The Great Masquerade~

The angels are all singing in the choir and i do believe that is beelzebub on the lyre. so sit down and listen to the siren's lusty call, but beware that you, into her sultry enchantment, do not fall.

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Ronnie's Story Ch. 3

Ronnie thought back to his choir days, and began singing a piece he'd learned in a daring a cappella piece his eighth grade director actually allowed them to perform.

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Pages From a Dog’s Diary #2

Three cats now played around the little bowl, and sparrows began flocking around the foot of the statue in a noisy choir. i left the garden, quietly the way i came in, as to not disturb the scene. now i know the house is alive.

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Uncomfortable Comfort

I was in choir in high school, and we did a performance for the veteran's affairs hospital for christmas one year. i was the only student who had a solo song. the others were all either duets or trios or whatever.

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The Choice

It was his own voice, joining the unholy choir of the others. it slowly began to increase volume until he realized he was babbling incoherently. panicking, he somehow had made it back to the dropship and launched it into orbit.

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The Starling Master

He knows each bird's history: the little triumphs, little wars, the stormy hymns their choir outpours, the dizzy height each fears, and soars, and cries aloud to see, cries out most endlessly.

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Seeing Double

The tiger's giggle sounded like a melodic church choir ringing in his ears. "don't be harsh. he's half way to the floor. maybe that means it will be easier for us." as if on cue another tigress appeared.

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part E

A number of bounds on my part had me closing with him rapidly by the time he just cleared the choir, and i was nearly at the western end of the north aisle.

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